
Yes, that would be the result of two eggs fertilized in one cycle and one of them splitting.

Exactly, neither extra weight nor stupidity is necessary to miss this.

hCG causes the progesterone levels that suppress menstruation during pregnancy. If someone has abnormally low hCG they may still get a period while pregnant because their body physiologically is not getting the command to stop shedding the uterine lining each month. This brings the risk of placental abruption but if…

This person had a twin pregnancy too and didn't know it til the day they were born. Not everyone has the exact same experience while pregnant.


If there's an anterior placenta it's easy to feel not much at all in the way of kicking.

It has nothing to do with weight gain. Stop being sizeist.

The common denominator is usually something like getting your period during pregnancy. Of the three cases below (all occurring to young women in their twenties over the past four months), all three mention they were still getting regular periods while pregnant,

A small minority of people do actually get their period while pregnant, she wasn't actually misinformed. Some people have spotting and some people have an actual full-on period because they have low hCG and resultant low progesterone levels during pregnancy. The placenta is not shed, obviously, or miscarriage occurs

Sore breasts and nausea are caused by high hCG levels, women that don't have high hCG levels are more likely to not have nausea or sore breasts and also to have a period while pregnant as hCG in sufficient amounts is what stops periods.

Many people have forms cancer that they probably won't die from and can live healthily with for years. Why are you assuming that she has a lethal form, and not trusting her mother's sanity based on what YOU don't know?

When does she turn 18? If soon she can legally sign herself out right? She can't be accused of medical neglect on herself I assume, although at that point she will be worse for the wear from the unwanted chemo? These people are abusive morons. I wish more people knew about the abuses of the medical system. I have a

That's what I'm saying. She didn't phrase it especially logically but I don't think she has any obligation to, she didn't ask to be a part of this and isn't a part of it.

The problem is the media cherrypicks equality by giving greater punitive attention to black celebrity rapists than white. That is not saying that black celebrity rapists should not be given that amount, but that white celebrity rapists should be given the same amount and that positive accomplishments should also be

It's not trolling to succinctly and accurately explain why she reacted this way. That's why. It was utterly inappropriate of the reporter to ask her this question.

Much as I'd like to continue this stimulating back-and-forth I have a meal to eat.

You're right, you're giving a very persuasive and logical argument. Those words really mean something.

I guess he had a responsibility to depict himself as struggling financially or something? How was it "whitewashed" other than him being a rich and comfortable anomaly? That's not whitewashing. I think you are just out of argument.

There is absolutely nothing I refuse to research. It was fashioned to be ACCESSIBLE TO white audiences with the ultimate goal of achieving mainstream success that would beneficially raise the esteem of Black Americans as a group to a mainstream that had no real favorable idea of blackness or understanding of the fact

Social prosecution though.

Uhhh what? He pursued relationships with younger women? He raped kids. Woody Allen raped his daughter figure, his own kids' sister. And non consensually raped his stepdaughter. That is fucking sick. A marriage certificate doesn't make it better. The fact that they were cooperative with abuse