
Well a) it's been pulled from the air, so literally it's not on air to respect.

B) People are coming up to her and instead of doing or at any point having done a news item on her Tony Award or film and TV successes over the past few years that gets any real press, asking about this crap.

I agree no comment would be… <— no they wouldn't, say this study. The more famous a white person is, the less likely study participants are to find a story about them raping believable. The inverse is true for black men.

I'm not setting fire to anything, I am plainly describing why she reacted in this upset

It's not about HIS legacy. It's the legacy of the show. She's being attacked here, by people who could not give a rat's ass about her contributions but come out of the woodwork to ask about someone she worked with raping people.

Yeah they are.

- NBC show cancelled
- speaking appearances cancelled
- reruns pulled


Uhh... it does. Documentedly. As admitted by the coauthor of the CDC report on autism and vaccinations William Thompson himself. Very consistent with the fact that 8 to 10 percent of Americans who are Black have sickle cell trait. Immune stress to immunocompromised bodies causes it. Not sure why nobody seems

No, being a successful middle-class TV dad isn't a fabricated persona, that's called acting. There is Dr. Huxstable and there's Bill Cosby.

It is unexpected. That guy in all likelihood wouldn't even have come if he didn't see that opportunity. Call her at home, through her agent, whatever, rather than ambushing her in

White people didn't keep quiet BECAUSE he is black but in spite of it. Which is why Woody Allen is now facing no actual castigation but he is. NO, compare to Cee-Lo Green. No pass given. Gleeful media spectacle made of his public rejection.

You're being dense. I never said that was okay. He raped people. Phylicia Rashad though has nothing-what-the-fuck-soever to do with this, and is being insulted by reporting interested only in talking to her about a black man raping people and not about her groundbreaking work in media depictions of African-Americans.

I think there are better ways but I also don't think she has any obligation to answer any perfect way when the guy asking her the question chose a farcically ironic place to ask her. I don't think she owes anyone anything, people owe her an apology for trying to ambush her with this crap that really and truly has

Whether you think you owe him anything is irrelevant. It's not just his legacy being destroyed it's a part of the legacy of the image of Black people as equally competent, moral, and successful. That is, it's destroying HER legacy, because of the way it's reported, because her successes are in no way equally

It's the obliteration of one of the few widely watched and lasting depictions of an African-American family in media that is accomplished, successful, "together", and able to navigate life as well or better than a comfortably middle-class white family. It is extremely important for making it clear to everybody that

You are TOTALLY WILLFULLY REFUSING TO UNDERSTAND the dimension of this in which this IS the obliteration of a legacy. If you look at this from a feminist angle alone, not taking into account racial power structures whatsoever, then yes, it's a man who was found to have raped a bunch of women. If you add the dimension

Your second paragraph was my point. The coverage is racist.

Uhh... you just proved my point. It's cause of racism that the media is oriented toward depicting the negative and not the positive portrayals of black stars/people.

What wouldn't happen is the white costars of that white celebrity only being remembered when someone wants a soundbite from them on the white celebrity raping people.

- They took his reruns off the air
- They cancelled his in-person engagements
- his new NBC TV show was scrapped

I had never heard of Joe Paterno in my life. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone of any race or age above 12 who hasn't heard of Bill Cosby.

People should have the decency to not fucking talk to her, and

For the moron to come up to her at a luncheon celebrating an MLK film and ask her about a tangential relation to the accused rapist while ignoring her actually relevant and stellar contributions to positive black representations in media is disgraceful. This wasn't appropriate, it was hurtful, unfair and took away

Bill Cosby is most definitely not a bigger celebrity than Woody Allen. They're at least equal in popularity. So scratch that off your list of supposed dissimilarities.

The Woody Allen deal was legal... if and only if we accept that a) her birth certificate age is correct, which Mia thinks it wasn't, that she was

You do not need to redo the study with multiple victims to accurately conclude that people's responses to celebrity rape are extremely racist. That holds true as a fact underpinning all reactions.

Sociology is not a "soft science" just because it involves human feelings. Human feelings are measurable.

No, I answered, point it out but if you don't also point out good things people do of that race, you're a fucking racist, as most of America is, and the same goes for if you don't equally call out bad things white people do.

I just posted this study which found that people judge black celebrity rapists inordinately

My point is,

a) they are all the time called on for other things, good things, things to do with their careers, and

b) the outcome of her (Scarlett) being called on to talk about it was: zero. Nothing happened to Woody Allen negative.

Meanwhile, as seen below, Phylicia Rashad's been quite busy doing critically acclaimed