
so…you’re saying the family was “broadcasting its life in mass media” prior to the murder, and that’s why this child is dead?

there seem to be genuine lessons to learn from their story. Wondering what you are objecting to.

The father probably feels like he could be helping others by sharing his regret. I am not sure how much it will help, but if it makes him feel better in this awful time, why not?

It’s really simple buddy. Women are murdered by men for “rejecting them” vastly more often than men are murdered by women for “rejecting them”.

This is uncanny. How did this person craft such eerie likenesses? Technology has come a long way...

No I dont parboil my pasta

Do what you love how you love to do it and you’re never wrong, Cham!

Didn’t take long this year before we got ourselves a ‘no true Scotsman’ truther, LOL.

well sorry yeah I am a professional chef and there are a lot things that are done that people think are “RIGHT” just because they read it in a book or because the “chef said so”

I am a pro chef and I have been cooking pasta like this for years

Of course he should be. You can still take an exploitative tone in the call for arrest though.

If he’s mentally ill, he cannot be held responsible for any crime. Right now, none of us know this man’s mental state. It can really go either way. Personally, I find this post and many of the comments distasteful. I’m leaning a bit more to mentally ill.

Exploitative. Dude needs help, not mockery.

I would say the much higher likelihood is that by virtue of being a lawyer, she may think her and her husband should be able to do/have whatever the fuck they want. Full disclosure: I’m a lawyer, and most of them are A-type assholes who think at least to some degree that they should be able to whatever the fuck they

I disagree with that. I think a general opinion of a name actually matters a bit. I can look at a class roster and tell what sort of class I’m going to have based on the name. I assume it’s the same when people look at resumes. Your child's name can scream "teen mom" or "mcmansion pinterest housewife mom" or "artsy


So io9 and Gizmodo just merged after months of many stories being cross-posted between them per day.