Where does it say that the woman let her family know that?
Where does it say that the woman let her family know that?
Well she's about 17 weeks now, 24 weeks is generally regarded as the viability cutoff. It's kind of a shame she didn't make it that far. I can see that it would be very upsetting to family to have her kept alive and apparently deteriorating even in that state but again NO ONE KNOWS HER actual wishes on the matter and…
Assigning short hair, suits and ties and certain names as in any way connected with maleness inherently is actually sexist, not progressive. Those things have... zero to do with sex and everything to do with nonsensical sexist roles. John is literally just a syllable. Short hair is just hair with scissors taken to it.…
This site isn't too into science is it. It is not accurate that "There is no evidence that a mammal have ever reproduced by this method; as far as scientists are concerned, it's a process strictly for birds, sharks and dragons." This British study http://www.zo.utexas.edu/courses/thoc/v… found a woman who matched…
He calls people bitch all the time, as she pointed out. All bets are off. You're not oppressed if you lack the empathy skills to understand that calling a group you're not and will never be a member of "bitch" willy-nilly is not okay.
Faggot is a word that maligns men for being feminine or "in the female role"…
If she were black, her songs wouldn't make it to number one like they have, without being fluffed up/unsharpened stylistically and lyrically.
The line from another mixtape was "runaway slave". Slavemaster - offensive
I am done giving her attention, it's not worth it, she's the latest in a long line of people…
Where is Nicki using an offensive appropriated accent? Or those two guys?
Nicki's most lightweight bubble-gum pop songs broke through, anything even hinting at her tougher or even more assertive side does not get played on pop radio and become popular in the mainstream the way that Iggy Azalea's unashamed "I'm the…
The second one is a blatant joke on the misogynistic racist stereotype of Asian women as doing that stuff and the fact that nobody ever says that about Asian men. It's basically pointing out how gross and weird that stereotype is about women. Just cause something mentions a race doesn't mean it's racist, you have to…
That seems to be right. Someone quite relevant to my life right now is Turkish and he is the abrupt meeting of a free-for-all of extreme liberal values and the most brutally misogynistic a-hole-ishness possible. The first is what's being striven for and the second is the reality when an effort stops being made. Not…
TI = / = all black people.
Well it also took until 2014 for most Americans (read: majority white) to openly recognize that racism exists, if you haven't noticed, this is why it's taken this long to bubble to the surface. That doesn't mean it hasn't been annoying people and being discussed by some people for decades.
Dwarfs is bigoted against people who are small. Otherwise, no. Older men who think that by right of being a Jewish "minority" (what? No) they have an "in" as the cultural commentariat and know everything and talk dismissively about young black women like they are their pets... I am thinking of basically everyone at…
Her comment about Jews I actually don't think is bigoted at all. I have had similar repeated unpleasant awakenings to the fact that many individual people who actively touted themselves as "down with minorities" and some such because they "don't really consider themselves white, they're Jewish" are actually quite not…
I for one've always made fun of Justin Timberlake's accent and any time someone uses a... uhhh.... "Black" or "folksy" accent that they don't really have consistently in their music. It really annoys me. It usually sounds incredibly contrived and off. Iggy Azalea didn't even grow up in America so it makes it even less…
Not her speaking accent her "rap accent" I was talking about though, which is a load of caricatured blackface crap.
Iggy Azalea talks in a blatant, weird, fake mockup of an "African-American" accent so she obviously disagrees with you.
No it's not, one's the sociopath and one's the sociopathic enabler. It's not "on" anyone else, he's still a bad person for trying to cheat no matter what, but it's also totally wrong to collaborate in knowingly doing something that deceives and hurts somebody else.
Cause if no one collaborates with him in acting like a sociopath then he won't be acting like a sociopath, just jacking off in the bathroom by himself which isn't cheating. People only succeed in their horrible behavior because other people enable them cause they don't care.
There are a lot of morons out there who think that misogyny can "fix" racism.
If you carry a gun and threaten to shoot people with it for a living you are choosing an inherently dangerous profession.
She sounds possibly autistic, many autistic young women are targeted for abuse in relationships as well as in general. Whatever the case, Woody Allen is an unrepentant sociopath who preys on female humans.