Not enough! He's still busy as a bee with his movie schedule thanks to the support of most of Hollywood and a lot of morally lax audience members!
Not enough! He's still busy as a bee with his movie schedule thanks to the support of most of Hollywood and a lot of morally lax audience members!
The family's wishes aren't a good thing to go by, period. Many people have strong differences of opinion with their families on important matters.
Something not fully developed is still there and partially developed.
I am a vegetarian. Animals sure as hell feel pain. Cows are like humans, except not sociopathic monsters…
Yeah. There are few things more nauseating than the Asian/young girl fetishes . If no one can see the dysfunction of Asian-women fetishization and barely legal girl-fetishization in the first place slim chance of them calling this out as wrong.
I know several people who have no morals and severe NPD from what I can…
But anybody with a brain can process that him doing that in the first place was disgustingly creepy. She was functionally HIS DAUGHTER and STILL A TEENAGER.
Why would you go by the wishes of the family "always"? There is no moral injunction to do so, that is why DNR orders exist, for the person themselves to make the choice.
Here is an MRI video of one twin kicking another for space "fighting" in the womb. The one being kicked has much more room and is larger.…
Wait a second though. It's already unapologetically documented that he cheated on his wife with his stepdaughter Soon-Yi who was nominally barely legal but actually probably still underage when he... molested her. How is anybody letting this demented guy off.
Exactly. Humans, I tell ya
Why is everyone assuming that the wishes of her family members are the same as what her own wishes would be on the matter? That's a major leap of logic. If someone had specifically written out a wish to not be resuscitated there would be moral/legal sway behind what you guys are saying but I am seeing no reports of…
I'll look that up. That's what I need, some high-quality measuring stuff. I think I'm too freaking honest to do the second thing but as you say you could be right.
Yes he's the creep to end all creeps. His Scarlett Johanssen fixation alone is enough to make me believe he'd molest someone. Woody Allen, you are 79. That is Not Appropriate.
Oh yeah, I forgot that human beings require something to be drilled into their head way many times more than is necessary for them to believe it. If that takes dozens of victims more than it should take to "prove" something, ehhh, so be it, people's brains won't accept anything less.
The Cosby show is one of the few sitcoms I every truly enjoyed, it has a playlike quality to it with a lot of thought and heart put into it rather than just playing everything for laughs. The well-being of the characters was put at the center as if they were real people being looked out for.
I don't understand why nobody's talking about the trouble they have watching Woody Allen's movies. I'm sure when his next one comes out a bunch of people will be talking up how they want to go see it as if Dylan Farrow never wrote that piece. He sure isn't getting the Bill Cosby leper treatment. What both people did…
All your rigid ideas about what a fetus is "supposed to look like" on ultrasound are useless because those only refer to a very specific visualization of the uterus. As I said, my friend who was getting negative tests did not have her pregnancy found on ultrasound until 29 weeks, and that ultrasound still ONLY…
Rh- blood isn't a condition. It's a blood type. One out of fifteen people have the 0 negative blood that I have, it's really not that rare.
I did not get pregnant after just one time of having sex. I was not a virgin, I have no idea where Anna got that, it's one of the corrections I sent her editor that she ignored.
Yeah it's both. The tipping point being the point beyond which you can't sit there and continue to post cat pictures and implicitly act like only white people inhabit earth without looking like an out-of-touch silent racist. Only gotten to cause of so many other white people people finally getting on the bandwagon and…
Yeah, but again, I'm getting negative hCG blood tests which is also rare. I also have the type of blood (Rh-) that they say rapidly clears the fetal DNA so if there is any failure of the blood and DNA to mix it may be caused by that.
That's what I was saying, it will only work in the case of a male, otherwise the test only says that there may be a girl, or the fetal DNA may be not present enough in maternal blood for results to be conclusive. Yeah I just read it is a small amount of decellulated DNA from the placenta.…
Oh God
Tina, Tina, Tina
We are never going to get anywhere if you don't use google to do some research before questioning every single one of the verifiable statements I make.……
They have many commercial names, but they…
I wrote to the editor Emma with a long list of factual corrections and to Anna and they have both ignored me. They are quite amoral, I guess she stopped responding once she got her "story."