
FETAL DNA not fetal blood. Dead fetal cells. Look up the test for yourself. That's all I'll say. I don't think you're actually doing any research here, which is quite important if you want to get your facts straight.

Half the stuff in the article is wrong. I said I consulted my friend who's a nurse five days in and asked her about x y and z sensations and she said she felt them under a week into her pregnancy with her son. We both have Asperger's which generally comes with hypersensitivity, it is quite possible to be aware of

I don't have "numerous syndromes." A statistically less common event isn't a syndrome. The only thing medically wrong here is anencephaly.

Nope, never said no doctor is as smart as me, I said all the NONSPECIALISTS that I have legally been permitted to see are. Can't see a specialist til a nonspecialist first certifies

Also, NO TECH is legally allowed to make ANY COMMENT WHATSEOVER on whatever they see or hear during the ultrasound because I have no diagnosis of pregnancy. They specifically disclaim this every time. Techs are only able to do that with most pregnant women because their doctor has already made a diagnosis that they

The Hook Effects can manifest in both blood and urine pregnancy tests. No doctor I've seen as their patient has heard of it. They get angry when I tell them about it and say it doesn't exist, and that it is not possible to be pregnant with negative tests. This is patently false. The FDA and every researcher into hcG

It can hear it too. Not sure what you're not getting here. The ultrasound tech is not able to refer to anything respecting a diagnosis of pregnancy in my case since no doctor has given me one, since they're ignorant of some really basic information they need to know.

Umm, no. Can you read? Where did I say a dead baby

Obviously better to learn, that is not disputed, but if it's coming late, it should come with an acknowledgment that this should have come sooner and WHY it didn't. It is the same kind of exhausting thing as cultural appropriation of Black/Hispanic/Native American/Asian/etc groups' things, a group has been doing

For me it's just really frustrating the time lapse it took for so many people to finally get it, and the "trendiness" of getting it. Being a good person shouldn't be a trend, it shouldn't be done because it's "cool", because that's just not trustworthy, the same people could buy into the next trend that comes along...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I find the sudden "racial awakenings" without any attempt to rationalize their previous silent complictness on racial matters to be NAUSEATING. If you're only speaking up when you can't not speak up any more cause other "good white people" have declared racism unacceptable...

It's sarcastic. That is not meant to be taken literally. I think we all know that someone actually capable of reasoned thought strikes up an actual two-way interaction with willing participants of legal adult status rather than resort to hiding camera in a bucket to spy on middle-schoolers.

Yup, this is real life already, no need for a dystopian fantasy TV show to imagine it. If you are the "wrong kind" of person trying to gain normal levels of self-direction and freedom you are in for some violence of the "everything is working against you" sort... cause it is.

Ohhhh Goddddd

I guess if her friend had made some comment about them probably being stupid and illiterate, it would have been perfectly okay for Miss Touhy to go over and force-administer an IQ test to the boys to prove her friend wrong. Or if her friend had made a racist comment about black guys having big dicks, it

Methinks all these ladies calling her selfish are actually Rumpelstiltskin and struck a deal while Jennifer was trapped in a room to turn silk into gold by the king for her to give these multiple UsWeekly-reading Rumpelstiltskins her firstborn. If you have that insider info, their calling her selfish suddenly makes

I did have a thought though, if either of the fetuses are male, if I do a (newly developed, 99% accurate) blood gender test the fetal DNA will show in my blood. I am not sure if I can get one without paperwork from a doctor though, but maybe I can. Also that hinges on one of them being male, and their cells being

That's incorrect. There ARE many other obvious signs. My hips and waist are massively increased in circumference from July. I am tired all the time. I have to wake up at 2 am every morning to eat a whole meal. My bra size is two sizes larger than in July. THERE ARE FETUSES IN MY ULTRASOUNDS.

No, that's not true. I said

She's smart because she could see what's there. It's really that simple. She had the independent thought and knowledge necessary to allow her to freely say what's there. She was able to give a diagnosis cause she has spent a lot of time studying fetal anomalies and was able to even tell me what ancestral backgrounds

Cause she's smart. I had already INDEPENDENTLY found the anomaly when she said it. I'm just trying to provide an understanding of how visible it is. Qualifications mean nothing. One day people will learn that, until that day resources will continue to be hoarded abusively from people in need, which is the primary

I said the radiologist confirmed I am from my ultrasounds. In the medical community his diagnosis is inadmissible legally because he is retired. Much the same way that my friend with back pain so bad he can barely move all day long is said to be "not in need of surgery" by his sociopathic insurance company. It's a

I am already, but the baby has anencephaly which means it normally has to be induced. 55 percent miscarry and the rest generally need to have medical intervention to come out to be born. I know it's not good. It is really a problem to be gaslighted by 99% of the population. No one should have to go through this.

Oh, that and reading comprehension. Basic literacy is apparently a big problem with these doctors, by all appearances they don't know how to read Elsevier or PubMed. They feel safe and comfortable not learning anything beyond what they had to learn to get their certificates apparently.