
Goddamn kids. Not that kind of rally!

Later that night they planned to burn a large wooden T on someone’s lawn. To let them know it was the Tennis team.

You went to K State. A lot more than 5 minutes has been stolen from you.

Another rule: all teams that play in the Badlands are called the Browns. Hockey, base ball, whatever. They are the Browns. Browns vs. Browns. Fans are forced to wear brown at the stadium.

I dunno, I think I’ve got a pretty good idea now, honestly...

He scored 30 points after that, and they were tied at halftime. You are a moron.

You didn’t read the damn thing, did you?

Doesn’t look like anything to me.

“I’m innocent” is not a great answer to the question “was what happened consensual?”

Oh thank God, I was worried there for a minute that there’d be a comment thread on the internet that didn’t have someone desperate to let the masses know of their complete disinterest.

It’s almost as if we have always lived in a patriarchal power structure where (mostly rich, white) males hold power at every level of government and court and are incentivized either consciously or subconsciously to maintain and exploit their power.

Huh? They don’t give a fuck who’s using PED’s, they only pretend to care if they get caught. This is common knowledge right?


I spent a few wild and crazy Spring Breaks at Padre in the late 90s and somehow managed to avoid being indicted by a grand jury for aggravated sexual assault of a child. You’re really willing to chalk being arrested for gang rape up to youthful irresponsibility? That’s extremely fucked up.

marchman what the fuck 

Sadly, there isn’t.

Exactly. The second I hear one of those supposedly “natural language” bots on the other end of the line, I’m banging ‘0' and ‘#’ like a crazed gibbon. If the problem was amenable to being solved by a voice bot, I wouldn’t have needed to call in the first place. Believe me, I’ve done everything possible to avoid

Why should I care if they find Private Ryan? I already know how WWII ends!

The heckler appears to have been going after Harden throughout the game...