
you guys get paid by the kit?

sheesh they should just disable comments

crazy story. what the hell is going on in that comment section, though? it looks like every comment is from some fake account that just posts pro Trump/anti Hillary stuff like ALL day. is every hollywood reporter article like this? they just have farms of people posting and liking comments on all “liberal media”

thanks! got one

thanks! got one

really wish some of the baseball HoFs did this and talked about how its meaningless if youre not letting bonds and others in. imagine the baseball writers hot takes for that

last line a reference to that william shatner song? everybody hates a tourist

this was awesome, more stories like this please

i see andy rooney too

uhhhh i think she pretty obviously means the decade since the first iron man movie. the only real spoiler here is that shes actually pregnant, which means theres no chance iron man dies in the next movie. but we knew that already, theyre gonna keep him around forever as a mentor figure until he suits up in another ten

did you see They Came Together? pretty solid rom com spoof from Wet Hot guys a few years ago

after some light facebook stalking it sounds like his family lived in Houston for 6 years too lol, who is this guy

would love to know more about the weird blood spinning thing he did a few years back to make this all possible, sure seems like something every old player should do?

lets get that spellcheck going in the title of the article. zuckerBORG

oof its so hard to read that website come on with the black background

i dont think people would understand tho, you would probably need to create a comparison for every player with a corresponding character from the wire

this reminds me of that scene with colbert at the chalkboard in strangers with candy

fuck i had blocked out gobblestix what a sad childhood i had

dang i had not thought about that

also his initial flee, where he jetpacks away and then fights Colin Farrell in that car factory. come on that has to make the list too over warhorse

i dont think she misunderstands the question at all, she is just mocking him for wording it like that.