
Could the Raptors flip him?

You are a fucking mind slave if you think protest requires a permit.

He forgot one of the key purchases: the 55 gallon drum of lube so you can get good and greased up. Can’t arrest what you can’t grab.

I have no idea how I’ve been on the internet every day for most of the day during the time this all went down, yet completely missed anything related to this fiasco. That said, everyone involved in this *EXCEPT THE GIRL WHO WAS VICTIMIZED* seems like they super duper suck.

I really thought this was going to end in the dealer turning up either 4 clubs or 4 diamonds giving Labatt the flush, or a 9-10-J-Q giving Labatt and Zhu a split pot straight.

Is this where we complain about never getting our full 500 Days of Kristin?

But how will I relate???!!!!!

You mean the movie won’t be centered on the British md

And now we wait for the white smoke to rise from the pizza oven, indicating the selection of the new Papa John

Are we not going to talk about how suspicious this looks for the owner of the world’s second ugliest dog?

Per the letter-writer, it’s just the term used in child advocacy circles that means calling the abuse hotline to report the crime.

Thanks for sharing this, I’m sure most of us would have no idea what to do if this happened to us or a family member.

“It doesn’t matter where he opts to go. If he goes to Chicago, he’s a cocksucker. If he goes to Miami, he’s a cocksucker. Even if he goes back to Cleveland, he’s a goddamn cocksucker.... Look at what Kevin Durant did today. He signed an extension well before he could have filed for free agency...”

this aged well

“Now let’s go foreclose on some houses!” - Dan Gilbert

I’m going to be pissed if he comes out of the cave, sees his shadow, and gives us six more weeks of LeBronWatch.

Don’t worry, we’re on it.

He has a little blue police light on his back!

20 minutes from now:

Man, this is disappointing. I have become a massive fan of Taylor Sheridan over the past couple of years with Sicario, Hell or High Water, and Wind River so this was one of my most anticipated shows. Just to clarify, is it an ongoing thing or more of a miniseries?