

Dump the asshole who yanks the cup out of her hand to take credit for the ball. Believe me, he’ll only become more of a controlling asshole, not less.

Well technically you just saw 24 pictures per second.

Two obvious takes

As a cat owner, that looks like an absolutely gigantic pain in the ass to feed your cat. I’m not hunting down some toy mouse every morning and afternoon to fill with kibble for them. It’s bad enough I have two cats I have to portion control how much they eat and another that has to get different prescription food. Do

I can’t wait til Kaep caves, goes out and punches a woman and murders a few dogs and immediately gets offers from multiple NFL teams.

So is there a consumer version of this Mad Libs news article creator app you’re using? It seems like it’s a lot of fun.

I’d imagine T Rex was like a prehistoric version of Jason from Friday the 13th. He just relentlessly pursues you at a walking pace while you run frantically all over the place, then, just when you think you’ve gotten away, wham, machete through the chest.

Boogotti. Kasino.

Nothing inspires confidence quite like a billionaire liquidating assets.

Shit, this scene is the first thing I thought of.

Yeah, I think that’s just what it feels like for men when things are more equitable :)

Ok wait.. Back up... Are you saying you watched Walker Texas Ranger? Cause I am pretty sure that audience is just a myth!

I’m reading this and thinking-

Good news for Draft Kings & FanDuel employees looking to keep their side hustle going, right?


skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings