10 minute turnaround! i like the idea that this is what does deadspin in, a downward spiral of articles just arguing with previous articles
10 minute turnaround! i like the idea that this is what does deadspin in, a downward spiral of articles just arguing with previous articles
the Titans gave a full million ha so yea its a little skewed. still awesome
he could coach football!
i think youre about 10 years off on your parkour internet video dating. Casino Royale came out in 06 and I think it was already a big thing before that chase scene.
came for this, wasnt disappointed
i mean this is like barely enough of a thing to make a post out of it, but i guess you gotta use that video content
phew, the rage was slowly building as I scrolled through and kept not seeing The Food Lab, glad it’s up so high. I love reading through this book, even when Im not looking for a recipe to cook that night.
somehow had never heard of this, fantastic article
this is easy, just look at average height vs average WAR of the world population
the font bothers me
its almost like its getting harder and harder to be an ignorant sports fan!
kindly leave and never return
besides it tasting good, the reasons we do it are: hate going to the grocery store, hate wasting ingredients or buying spices you only use once before they expire (this is all preportioned out so theres no more buying a whole thing of celery to use one stoc, and we like the forced variety from a trusted source.
what weird to me about the amazon blaming is that i doubt anyone is switching over to it. the interface is horrible, its not any cheaper, and theres no free trial happening as far as i can see. we’ve used Plated for three years now and actually really like it, it would take a lot for me to switch over to Amazon. never…
Im quitting this season you should join me! fantasy football was enough to distract me from all of the problems, but I honestly think Trump winning put everything into perspective. I don’t want to be associated with any part of the NFL, from the drunk dipshit fans at games, to the rich asshole owners who dont care…
now im wondering how they even went 1 for 5 on this, was it literally just a graphics intern picking random faces?
white people have been convinced by richer white people that everything is a zero sum game. happiness, wealth, all of it. this has gone so far that when you say something like “shoutout to black women just because” white people naturally think about who isnt getting the shout out. its gross.
ive done this with bbq chicken pizza and greek salad and it is fantastic
lets not skip over how great the photo is with it too