
I was hoping for a second that he was gonna somehow reanimate a dragon skeleton, but this bow is fine because what we really want is for one dragon to die and then it to become a zombie ice dragon. doesnt really matter how that happens, just needs to

i honestly didnt know there was a vice sports

Now playing

hate to be the bearer of bad news but this guy actually has a brother who is worse:

seriously. can’t take it with him, but can sure as shit pay to have his frozen head launched onto Mars

that insult about the nutsack is abstract enough that Im guessing he stole it from a funnier teammate who then gave him shit


am I the only one that enjoyed hearing Fisher goes fishing?

i like this new two part look, first part the malfunctioning computer program we’ve all come to love, second part seems to the person that this machine is slowly eating.

fuck this fight, but is there a joke there with posting his dad? like he’s so not intimidated by him he doesn’t even know what he looks like? or did he honestly think that was Floyd?

really dont understand how the second season of this show is anything but the Manson family murders.

I think the dog toys thing is probably like Sausage Party. they think that getting brought home to a dog is the best thing that can happen to them, and then they turn into war vets.

ah knew I heard this somewhere:

wasn’t there an eddie murphy stand up or interview or something that explained that stevie wonder would ask someone else to tell him what other people were wearing, so that he could go up to them and fuck with them by saying exactly what shirt they had on?

i unfortunately saw the circle in theaters and it was garbage, but they develop a program exactly like the one in the jeremy piven show

came here to see something about his WAR, was not disappointed.

must have been tough picking from so many pictures

I agree with a lot of this, but there are some cool chefs doing stuff meant for everybody, like Kenji from SeriousEats and Roy Choi in LA. also, I went to N/Naka and it was amazing. Niki came out and took a picture with us, it was the most expensive meal ive ever had, but a really cool experience. but yea, a lot of

also in Cena’s favor is he has the world record for most Make a Wishes, the guy is a saint.

I think the biggest mistake the WNBA made was picking cities that already have NBA teams. this is a no brainer to me. you don’t see mlb teams have there AAA clubs play in the same city, they station them in smaller cities that don’t have other sports competition. they thought that nba fans would watch both teams, but

must have been a good feeling when you found this photo