
maybe the driver couldnt see his BLIND SPOT

boy who knew a tell all could be this boring

the university will fill his position with Papa Murphy

I knew nothing about Snooker before these past couple articles about it, and now I think its amazing. thanks for sharing.

pretty surprised to see ed werder and jayson stark. not that i read their stuff but i thought they were pretty big deals

used to toss popcorn in nacho cheese sauce in junior high and eat it with a fork. so good.

shame, he was kind of in Bill Brasky territory for me, so hearing that he was injured kinda ruins that

was kind of hoping to click on this and then the article just says “nope. no he has not.”

any hot takes out there saying he should have shot more threes to help his team and he was selfish here? would LOVE to see them if so.

yea but wouldn’t it be better if they swapped names?

screencap truthering, holy shit

buffalo bill vibes


actually hate to be that guy but it looks like Brady tackled him just past the infield dirt....

creep can roll, man

does anyone remember that awful song that would play on the radio for weeks after 9/11 that had like actual 911 calls in it? am i making this up?

if this isnt a dunk, then what the hell do you call it? a layup? you’re an idiot

theres buffalo bleu and then theres everything else. the crunch factor with the ridges is a 10, and then there’s the fantastic flavor. best chip out there, and you can go die

can confirm that our two cats recognize the specific sound of my fiances car (and dont move when other cars park in our building) and go wait by the door for her. pretty cute

the art, as always, is fantastic here