shoulda been BERN

Nope. She’s the problem, along with the rigged DNC.

This is a great comment.

If anything he will do more damage to the system and that’s the only silver lining I see in the election. He breaks what Hillary built. The corruption needs to end.

Jesus.. I don’t know what they say in Canada for this, alright? I know a caboose-load or whatever.

Listen, I’m not a conspiracy theorist. When the polls start showing Trump in the lead I have to believe that.

Bern would be destroying Trump right now. He STILL polls better than Hillary does against him.

No idea what your talking about.

Actually after this thread I know a ton about Canada.

You gotta understand though, Hillary is against everything we stand for. At least all of our core issues. She is the worst possible candidate to try to get us on board with. Literally everything about her is stuff that I/we disagree with.

I just wish you were informed but your not. Nothing I can do about that if you won’t even take a look at the evidence for yourself.

No, fuck you and fuck Hillary! You corrupt DNC garbage cans!

Really is a uniquely good show.

Yeah, Bernie Supporters are “inbred trolls.”

Uh, yeah. All your Kremlin this and Putin that. It’s fucking ridiculous but more importantly...

No, you can either call me Duncan or a Bernie Supporter that sees through the shit and is NOT voting in this election.

But you guys invented Trailer Park Boys and that show... I just can’t get enough of that show, alright? But the movies aren’t good.

And now you sound like Trump. See what I’m saying?

Dude... it’s not worth arguing you about this.

You gotta be f*cking kidding me. That’s insane. That is just way too many and makes them seem like they’re bragging or something. Unreal and childish.

Add Hillary Clinton to that list of losers now too.