shoulda been BERN

Oh for fuck’s sake it is not. A week ago every single person would have said that they’re in the tank for Hillary.

One of the few exceptions. A national treasure. I used to date an American and the first time I was going to meet him (we met - where else - online), I brought him an award-winning French Canadian film (we still haven’t watched, to this day) and Trailer Park Boys as cultural offerings. He would come to my place and

Stupid Canadian cereal prizes. I bet Americans get iPhones.

Inclusiveness is for immature brats!

You think 2 is confusing? South Africa has 11 official languages. That’s eleven.

Nah we never bother to wipe.

In French and English!

That’s sort of how that analogy works, though, with the blades flinging and stuff. The idea is not that there’s some unplugged Vornado with poop on it. That’s not worthy of a saying.

She is the worst!

He would have won by a landslide. All the HRC supporters would still vote for Bernie over Trump. And half Trump’s base would have gone to Bernie as well.

I voted for Sanders, and believe he’d be absolutely burying Trump. But you are getting pretty tiresome with this stuff.

Yep, in an effort to cover her own ass she fucked us all.

Bernie would be leading this race by 20 points. He would also have my vote, and I disagree with him on virtually every single policy point. But he at least appears to have character.

She’s just corrupt man. She’s never achieved anything on her own.


These past couple of years, Hillary has reminded me of this one friend I have that always has the craziest of shit that happens to them. But instead of saying “Okay, I’ve made some choices along the way that contributed to this”, we constantly hear “I don’t know how or why this happened” or “it’s (fill in the blank)‘s

Part of me worries they were never going to do anything but weird sneaky shit, HRC is hellbent on being seen as the Bill Belichick of politics. She’s so frustrating.

Many people have DIED and will DIE because of Clinton’s war hawk policies. As Peter Thiel said this morning, this should have been Bernie vs. Trump. Outsider vs. outsider. It was rigged.

Fucking good. She should resign. It’s appalling that she leaked the questions from CNN, or that she even got them in the first place. And setting aside how stupid it was to leak things in general, she should at least have had the damn tradecraft to do it over the phone and not in a fucking email. And also, apparently