loved both those dunks a lot
loved both those dunks a lot
I feel like I did give you both an answer and an affirmation, tbh
Little Ditty with Jo and dying.
lol sir or ma’am I don’t know what that means and— to be honest with both of us —today is not the day I’m gonna learn
A flotilla of Jezebel contributors drifts away, and we closeup on a pen hovering over a piece of notebook paper:
They eventually reached an agreement, it got donated to charity. A-Rod is a man of the people.
Here’s why empathy can be a bad thing. Empathy is why people want me to see a doctor when I tell them that the recipe guy from the Hulk Hogan Sex Video site is a deeper and more critical thinker than Yale psychology and cognitive science professor Paul Bloom.
My vote is for “The Half-Terminator”
Violent attacks are becoming a staple of current politics.
If this means Jim Ross does the commentary, I’m all for it.
I mean what am I gonna do...NOT get drunk and dance my ass off to Thriller? Of course I’m going to do that.
Well actually, most available evidence shows that runners tend to have a lower incidence of knee arthritis than the general population. This might not be because of running per se but because runners tend to have lower body masses, though even when controlling for this runners tend to be healthier. I’m not as well…
“And for those who will surly miss the point of all this...”
The best kind of typo.
White People are so Corny.
I highly doubt that was his reasoning behind why he did this - I think he’s just a sick fuck who deserves to rot in prison.
Teaching her anything about the dangers of the internet was never the intent.
Because he’s the best hitter who ever lived and the idea of him imparting his knowledge to a new generation of players is a wonderful thing.