
Ok, but what about a knife?

Hope really dangled on a string at the beginning of this game. That 4th quarter and overtime felt like slow-spinning redemption, winding in and winding out. The shine of that 5th super bowl ring caught our eyes and roped us in, so mesmerizing, so hypnotizing.

The NFLPA can’t get guaranteed contracts. No way they’re getting mansions for players. Now, tax payer funded mansions for team executives?

Wait. You screw up and have the wrong sink replaced the first time around. Instead of having to make it up to your wife, you get to fix your mistake from the first time and have it count as a Christmas gift? That’s good hustle.

Does clicking on the ads really help the site out?

Is this Marchman’s least contrarian take?

I dunno, an old guy challenging a former professional athlete to a violent test of athleticism seems like a pretty shitty way to make a point and a pretty good way to get an ass whooping

You gotta teach me your secrets. No one’s ever wanted to sleep with me because I’m sipping wine coolers.

This is something spicy on a cold afternoon. How, exactly, did you determine that?

Here’s what you’re missing though: Emmy Rossum is effectively saying, “pay me what my co-star is making, because I am now the bigger economic draw.” And she kinda is it seems like. The show can’t go on without her. That’s some serious leverage.

A few years back I was in BWI, waiting for my connecting flight pretty late at night with the airport mostly empty and I notice the guy from “Cousin Skeeter” (whose real name I had to look up and is apparently Robert Ri’chard) with his significant other buying a hot pretzel or something.

This is so wrong. Not only did he not walk, but prosecutors would have had an impossible time convicting him of manslaughter, not because of the wording of the laws, but that they’d have to prove that a sober driver would not have also struck a guy who happened to jump out into the street right in front of the car.

This is actually maddening. Just pull out a physical map, put a dot on the locations of the house, and then draw the shortest line connecting all of them as possible.

I normally make a mental jag-off motion when people whine about click-baity heds, but in this instance, I kinda see where he’s coming from. From the LA Times:

That’s providing them income in kind, or income simply by another name, but income nonetheless.

because he’s The Mann?

I carried on a very similar argument with one of my best friends all of last season. He’s insane and wrong, and finally only relented that LeBron might be the “best player in the world for a single game or series but not the whole season” after the finals. (which is probably a true statement at this point)

oh my god, fuck this team so hard already. how are a bunch of nice seeming guys (draymond nut shots notwithstanding) so easy to hate?

You guys/girls seem to be picking on Kevin Draper less than you used to. Is this because the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals?

It’s interesting that you automatically assume Hannah’s stumping for Hillary here, because she doesn’t say anything partisan. She simply notes the election is important so we should register to vote. I wonder why you associate the importance of voting with support for Hillary?