
From the site’s introduction: Adequate Man is “a vertical dedicated to answering the question of what it is you need to know, do, and have to be an engaged, competent, reasonable human being. This ranges from practical matters to social etiquette to cultural fluency; it can take in tech and consumer products, ideas

He was finally free, if only for a moment....

So are NBA owners happy now that Steph is hurt? Or do the two clauses of that sentence have absolutely nothing to do with one another?

In general, I found the grammar/syntax/spelling a little (a lot) surprising considering the content of the messages

These have to be some sort of performance art, right?

That third gif is proto-Steph, right up and through the little leg split at the end


Because the vocal Spurs fans (to the extent there are any) aren’t obnoxious, self-absorbed assholes?

What are the chances after this that anyone offers Dwight the max this summer?

They could choose to starve instead! It’s still a choice!

I love these. I’ve never known any of them. This guy kinda looks like a bargain-brand John Mayer though.

What is the equivalent child-raising experience to eating the beef tongue?

I now really want a weekly feature of a Marchman hot take. He has the best fucking takes.

This is the doctrine of accord and satisfaction. It’s real, even if it wouldn’t necessarily work out like your accountant imagines.

It’s a labor of love (of money) for him, Tom

It’s a pretty sad commentary on today’s world that Rovell is considered influential and thought-provoking.

Shit, Draper was right

This is interesting, because I don’t really know of anyone (personally, I mean) for whom this has occurred.

I would have given it to myself on every single one of those putts