Me too. Like, how/why is anyone a fan of a corporate executive, generally?
Me too. Like, how/why is anyone a fan of a corporate executive, generally?
Nearly lifelong vegetarian suggests that you picked it up on your own as a child, not because it was imposed (perhaps too strong of a word) on you. If that is the case, how’d you make that decision?
Spoiler alert! Jeez.
I wanna know who/what 2) refers to. Are we pissy at Starbucks and other private businesses/individuals? Or is there a governmental entity that has banned mention of Christmas that I don’t know about?
I know that you have to be a little bit (or a large bit) crazy/sociopathic/etc. to be an NFL coach, but if I just made $4.5 million a year and suffered from cancer, playing with my grandkids in Boise instead of coaching seems like a good choice.
He can’t even blame his assholeishness on alcohol!?!?
Obviously, he was too busy “governing” to keep track of all the monies he was able to earn through his position and influence as a high ranking member of the government.
What the hell is wrong with these people? It’s a made up award by a no longer (all that) prominent magazine.
“You’ve always made the business argument, and now what you’re trying to do is make a business argument with emotion. It’s not gonna fly. What you really need to point out is that he’s going to get even richer by never having to pay back those public funds while still profiting from them. Then, he’s going to do the…
I can stage a gun fight Matrix style. It doesn’t mean I’m the real life incarnation of Neo. These fucking idiots.
This dog is the animal embodiment of sports dad
I felt really bad pointing it out. And really bad I knew it immediately. I was smh-ing at myself
Womack, not Rimes. Sorry
I love Rondo, and I’m not trying to be a highlights truther. After watching him for years in Boston and in that first clip above, can someone explain to me how half of the funky he shit he does with the ball is not a carry?
Polling at 1% for long enough can land you a television deal.
They’re still out in force down below
I see that Dick Cheney quote and instead of thinking, “oh good, he’s not the most terrible human,” I wonder, “what could possibly be on Darth Vader’s agenda that he’d come out against this?”
I think there’s a certain subset of the Republican electorate for whom he cannot go too far, but that even the rest of them are turning against him. Unfortunately for the more (semi?) reasonable Republican voters (we’re on a sliding scale), that certain subset is enough to carry him pretty far in the primaries.
Buffalo: The football team is usually ass, but the fan experience is second to none.
Bills fans truly do seem to be making the best of it