
I’m confused as to why people seem to think Keighley should be an activist. His shows are and have always been marketing shows. The only time he’s ever mentioned a publisher in a negative light was Konami and that was only after it essentially left the gaming industry and was no longer relevant.

It’s pretty easy to tell you don’t play the game regularly by your comment. True there are insufferable whiners out there but inarguably the patch has made the game wildly more difficult and thus less fun as a result for most folks. It isn’t just a weapons update—even if you’re fine with those changes, now enemy

the problem is that at difficulty 7+ in like 5min you are already surrounded by 2 titans, and 6 or more chargers plus any smaller enemies. The railgun was just the only thing efficient at those difficulty.

I don’t think people would have been mad at those nerf if they would have brought the other guns to the same level

Oh boo hoo, sounds like someone’s panties are in a wad over releasing sub-par products because some exec needs their cash infusion from purchases and pre-orders. Don’t release sub-par or unfinished products and you won’t get as much backlash.

Aren’t single player games thriving right now? The issue may be more major publishers caring more about shareholders than gamers

I think people would find it less jarring if it wasn’t the same specific visual in so many different games. Like, I’m sure there’s ways to highlight ladders and ledges that are just as legible (ledgible?) but more rooted in individual worlds - because it’s pretty immersion-breaking when you see stuff that’s explicitly

It’s like people skipped the entire last three hours of the game. It baffles me that anyone who played remake missed the fact that this is NOT just a retelling of the original story. 

It wasn’t that difficult to infer after the events of Remake alone. 

While I get it that people want to pursue every character they like and in a game about social links, they’d at least expect to engage with all the of the main cast, I don’t think it’s a sin to not have the option. In P3 FES, I was irked that I couldn’t hang with Akihiko or Junpei, but I took that as - even as a

Persona 5 Strikers isn’t a Switch Exclusive. I’ve got it on my PS4/5.  

“a Switch-exclusive action RPG (2021’s Persona 5 Strikers)“

critics and audiences had largely soured

No, Elba was nominated because he also did a great job. Nice try though.

Ugh. I struggled reading this. I think the author is a talented writer, and I know she wrote with the best intentions.

But there’s a few problems, here.

First is the scope. The article paints this as a video game problem. But you could write the same article about any fictional media that is created to appeal to an

This is such a terminally online take. The notion of bottling up each individual culture such that everyone stays in their respective lanes and culture can only be expressed or shared if someone has the exact same skin tone and nation-state lineage as you is so fucking backwards.

If people have issues with the

Exactly, I posted similar - I’m Chinese and I like to see the character I’m playing reflect that.  I don’t like Mei’s toolkit so I’m not going to just play her in order to reflect my ethnicity.  So I enjoy it when the characters I DO like playing can reflect my identity.

Americans use the terms “cultural appropriation” and evenblack face” so incorrectly they’ve completely lost all meaning. You stupid fucks need to figure out what you’re upset about quick because one day something actually offensive will happen and we won’t have the language to describe it

Really enjoying the walk back from “gamedevs are all fuckin’ uncool dorks” to “it’s all good, be yourself, we’re just havin’ fun here!”

You guys are getting to the point where it seems like deliberate ignorance of what’s happening.

Is it like the best selling non CoD game of the year?