
Did Geoff Keighley sleep with your girlfriend or something, damn

Cmon man you can’t expect the author to do research before writing an article

How the hell did you reach the ending of Remake and not realize it was a sequel? Lol

Most critics who reviewed the game in good faith gave it a decent score. We get it you wanted the game to fail

People in comments seem to be forgetting that the P3 was the first time they even tried out social link mechanics in the persona series and of course it had some rough edges that have been improved over time and hopefully will continue to be developed to be more inclusive. As for there being a “lot of well deserved

Kotaku spoils boss fight in subtitle, tale as old as time. Reminds me of when Zweizen spoiled a late game weapon in a “before you start article” for the same game

Hack Kotaku writer using an incredibly small sample size of terminally online perpetually outraged (probably white people) on X groups behalf in order to generate rage bait engagement for the article? Must be a day that ends with Y.

There is no discourse, you’re just a hater.

People acting like moving on from a game that came out in February is some kind of a win, like stick to your values if you don’t want to play it then don’t, but it sold over 15 million copies, and that’s before hitting the switch which it just did. Revisionism is crazy

It is kind of scary seeing such a visceral reaction to such a milquetoast ass joke, like damn Kotaku enjoyers are something else

Kotaku would like you to know there is a new Spider-Man game out.

Why do gaming outlets continue to push the whole no FES content thing? The FES stuff (minus The Answer) is baked into the game according to devs. Do basic research man

She got fired last week

It’s a shame that even though Patricia is now gone, the roster of rage bait artists she hired are still around

You know what site your on right?

Sir this is a video game website

Ok but they’re Ubisoft worlds so handcrafted or no, they’re gonna be bland and filled with bandit outposts right?

I love how after all the hit pieces Kotaku has thrown at the game, one of you actually tries it and is blown away by it. Crazy

Oh did I miss the part in that social link where the 17 year old protag can enter into a “consensual” ROMANTIC relationship with a 10 year old with mommy issues?

Damn people upset they can’t date a literal 10 year old huh