Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:
Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:
Going 0-for-6 makes Smith kind of like the opposite of Michael Jordan, but to be fair, Michael was pretty bad at gambling too.
That’s a lot of tears. Hopefully he has some kind of hollow, cylindrical device on hand to transport all that liquid.
-Colin Kaepernick
To be fair, when Curry is hot I lose my shit as well.
My Dad woke us up at 4am (I’m from Europe) in 1978 to watch the Ali Spinks rematch
It was the first time I remember being conspiratorial with my Dad - we weren’t to tell my Mom.
He told me all about Cassius Clay and the Nation Of Islam and Vietnam and I understood none of it, and hung on every single word.
My Dad is 74…
“It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.”
I was at a Phoenix Suns game in the late 90s or early 2000s. They were playing the Mavericks, and we had bad seats off to the left of one of the baskets, and a little bit behind the action. At one point in the second quarter, on the complete opposite side of the arena, there was a commotion, but a quiet one. Everyone…
“Dingers,” the whispers said. “Slake our ancient thirst. Bring us ... dingers.”
I’m just happy that the odds are getting better that I won’t have to go all the way to Rio to catch part of the Olympic experience.
Fetty WARP
Jesus, this is awful. Thank god he never forgot how to ride a bike.
I want to make that gif of Bautista getting punched into soap so I can bathe in it.
GTFO! Baked Beans are #1. Cornbread can range from #1 to #2048 depending on who brought it. Hush Puppies are always #2, they ain’t at every barbecue.
Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje
This is a little surprising for me because I know you’re such a Kanye stan. They’re exactly the same, but one is for rock and one is for hip hop. That single would be the “Touch the Sky” of Radiohead’s career.
Man O’ WAR
His behind-the-ears tattoo signifies that he’s killed a career.
Wow, it’s bad enough that Mexico causes herpes.
This is Leicester we’re talking about here; was there any doubt that their championship finish was going to come on anything other than a fucking Thai?