
Tulo is the infield version of Griffey, to me, except he never put together as long a string of incredible seasons that Griff did before the injury bug bit him for good.

Also, please note catcher Roberto Perez gradually they’re going to need a new baseball.

Somehow, Smush Parker is to blame for all of this.

The Ishii suplex onto Moxley on a table about halfway through their G1 match is one of the coolest spots I’ve seen on any card all year, so far.

I will never not love that joke. 

He’s the best Zlatan in the world, thank you very much.

Twenty games seems light for someone who could’ve murdered another player with a baseball bat five years ago.

Would probably do less damage than a pitch to the head.

As someone who greatly overreacted to the home plate collision, throwing at a man’s head is just the worst kind of retribution.

If this rule makes it to the majors, Gary Sanchez’s career as a catcher is over on that very day. 

Now playing

Oh yeah, by the way, let us remember the moment the Oklahoma City Thunder ceased to exist...

What happens first: Russ and Harden have to be separated on the bench mid-game, or Mike D’Antoni gets fired for an “unexpected slow start?”

A short story about Sour Skittles, from middle school-aged me:

I’ll just let Yadier Molina’s reaction to this abomination of a play speak for itself...

There cannot be a WWE universe without some ridiculous continuing storyline. Unfortunately, I wish that storyline could just be whatever they’re setting up Bray Wyatt for.

Dibs on “Jaded Old Smarks” for my wrestling-themed Aerosmith cover band name.

As soon as Corey Graves said “holy shit,” I immediately said to myself, “Damn, I really am a Paul Heyman guy.”

I’m curious to see if this opens the floodgates for the next month. We’ll still need help in the midfield if/when the Eriksen deal finally happens.

This signing was more in the expectation of losing Eriksen than it was on the bankroll he’ll bring back. The amount of money they earned from the CL run is more than enough to make this signing viable.

Oh, I know it’s bitterness for the sake of being bitter. It’s not even pettiness, just straight up salt.