
Yeah, since the “G” stand for “Graphic” it should be a hard G. As for what the inventor thought, well, I hope everyone who supports the soft G also pronounces “Mexico” as the original Nahuah people did? So instead of arguing over Chipotle, let’s argue over Mexico.

Mulan is one of Disney’s best. The only part I really disliked was the grandmother. She is crude, not funny (“who spit in her bean curd”), and she puts Mulan down with micro-aggressions (“even YOU can’t blow it”). But worst of all, after all Mulan has done for China and her family, the grandmother STILL tells Mulan she

Plus, poorer people cannot afford private legal counsel, so they are at the mercy of public defenders who are overworked. Each individual theft offence did not get as vigorous a defense as a rich person could have purchased for themselves.  “Justice” can be bought, which is bad news for poorer people who are

There is a large segment in America where “Christian” = “white” Supporting fellow Christians is code for supporting other white people. If they are not white, then they are probably not “good” Christians, so there is no need to support them.

I starred you just for mentioning the great Paul Robeson.  A true renaissance man. 

I don’t know how this morphed into a hair discussion? My own observation is that straighter hair is considered less “ethnic” by many, many people. Some may straighten their hair for comfort, manageability, etc., but many do it because that is the “preferred” standard for hair. Just like many people get a nose job

Yeah, I think American employers would just cut hours way back so they don’t even get near the overtime range (and they can avoid being considered “full time” under ACA), which would lead to more employees having to work multiple part-time jobs. And part-time jobs are less likely to provide benefits. In theory I agree

Not just differentiating on wealth, but race too. Extremely straight hair is less likely to be seen as “ethnic”

Chrissy Teigen is a national treasure.

Sorry, I posted my own before I saw your post. Our school also had girls on the team, but mostly because it was a public school and there weren’t enough boys with a 2.0 average to make a full team. This was also around 20 years ago. Maybe that’s when things started to change (Title IX taken more seriously?)

I went to a pretty crappy public high school, and we had girls on the football team because they couldn’t find enough boys who had at least at 2.0 average, which was required to play sports. I don’t know if the girls only came in as kickers or other limited play time, because I’m a nerd who didn’t go to football

The T-Rex costume is a cry for attention, as much as (if not more so) than any Bridezilla.  Plus, most weddings (although not all) also involve a religious ceremony, so a T-Rex costume is just an inappropriate there as it would be in church.  The sister was very gracious about it, which is nice.  But it was still a

Mikan, Alcindor — the rules rarely work and end up making them better players by forcing them to focus on other skills. LMAO.

The same people would probably be perfectly happy if a person of color was cast as a villain.

The DC-9 was fine; it was the DC-10 that was marginal.

Do you know what Boeing calls it when an airplane blows up on the assembly line? “Pilot error.”

I’m the least racist person I know” = “all my friends, family, neighbors, and acquaintances are overt, raging, militant racists”

Just trying to read that headline made me think I had a stroke or something.

instigating a confrontation and then killing her

If they want to be honest, they need to tell the patient about the many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times more risk of dying in childbirth than dying from an abortion. Especially for women of color. It really does boggle the mind how religious centers can outright lie to