I hope you mean a literal tsunami because gerrymandering prevents any real gains.
I hope you mean a literal tsunami because gerrymandering prevents any real gains.
Yeah the gif thing is settled, it’s a hard G. No one gives a shit what the inventor thinks, because language is not static and changes.
You had me until gif and mischievous. Gif is like gift, but without the t. It doesn’t sound like peanut butter. Mischievous has an extra hidden syllable... like the British pronunciation of aluminum
Even if an embiggened real dog looked “bad” in a technical sense, it might at least have more character, which would make it a relatively cromulent solution.
“nobody actually wanted small sedans and hatchbacks”
Honda, Hyundai/Kia, and Toyota would beg to differ.
I wonder how all the black people that missed out on jobs, funding, etc. feel about it though. That type of thing has both an economic, professional, and mental and emotional effect. She didn’t just steal culture , she stole opportunity that would have benefited actual black people on multiple levels. I hope she gets…
Cue Paul Robeson singing Let My People Go.
It’s in the quoted part of the article, the producer gave a modern replica he bought from a store that supplies the movie industry.
No, what makes him a pussy is that he later used his available strength to bully people to show he wasn’t a pussy.
Probably because since he tends to break all 10 of the commandments daily the bible either:
A: Burns his hands
B: Serves as a visual reminder of his inevitable first-class ticket to the hottest parts of hell.
The rich are all about differentiating themselves from the common rabble. Back when sun-burnt peasants worked in the fields the rich were all about white skin. When the peasants went to work in factories the rich became obsessed with deep tans. Ronald Reagan in the 198os went to court to stop discount stores from…
“Mostly Bad for also giving supremely talented rapists and murderers a second chance.”
Psst: Its this one.
She isn’t comparing her salary to Jon Chu, the director. She’s comparing it to Peter Chiarelli, a co-writer for the film.
I said this when this was first reported....for the first time film, I can understand differences in salary based on the specific experiences of each writer and bringing that experience to the table. There would be differences in salaries paid.
1) Can we have John and Chrissy be the new first couple until Trump is out of office? Any objections?
2) Trump is neither a pussy nor a bitch. Pussies are tough, they really take a pounding. And bitches get things done. Trump is a flaccid penis.
There were girls on our highschool team. The coach was initially resistant, but we pushed through that and said that he had to let them play. They were as good as anyone else out there, one played a receiving tight end and caught the game winning touchdown in our last game. this was 20 years ago and we all felt like…
Yeah, it feels like this might be one or many in a long line of inappropriate behaviors. I mean, who does this to their sister on her wedding? If she wanted to make people laugh, she could have wore a normal dress to the wedding, and showed up briefly to the reception in the costume which would have been funny and…
But do you think that the government should be in the business of telling you what kind of lightbulb you can have?
The reason things like meatless mondays, and paper straws resonate, is I suspect that they’re a placebo for dealing with the problem that still allow us to participate in the system we know is destroying the ecosystem. The guilt we feel deepdown over consenting every day to all the ways we’re harming the planet and…