
Members of Congress get the “gold level” ACA plan and taxpayers cover 72% of those premiums. Plus, they can get treated by the Attending Physician for free, and can get treated for free at military outpatient facilities. But the working class? Screw you! You don’t need medical coverage.  But, keep paying those

That’s terrible. Is there a YWCA or Planned Parenthood nearby that can refer her to low- or no-cost mammogram options?

then are judged based on criteria set up for judging size-0 models

I already took a bath buying Fake Block, and now this.

But he supports marriage equality and the right to enlist in the military regardless of sexual orientation.”

It’s about time society realized that white men are the real victims in this world.

Hunters (i.e., poseurs) who wear camouflage are contestants in the race for a Darwin Award.

straight 18-year-old young man” — why did she need to state that he was “straight”? What does that have to do with being victimized? Because if he wasn’t “straight,” he wouldn’t be as much of a victim?

I had no idea what these people do, and even when I see it in movies or on tv, it still seems so foreign.  So thank you for this article.

Her closeted bigotry is clear from the very first movie (and I’m guessing book too, since people have said the movie follows the book almost exactly). Non-white people are almost non-existent. But more than that, even her “good guys” make bigoted comments like complaining about “muggles” (and using the word in a

This is a direct quote (and I accept your apology for doubting the stupidity of my state legislators):

So many Title IX problems stem from athletics. It’s the “athletes are gods and we’ll forgive them anything” mentality. I don’t know when/why sports became THE most important thing in the world (look at how many colleges’ top paid officials are coaches).  But here we are.

In my state, is it an unlawful practice for an employer to discriminate against any individual because of “arrest or court record.”  My state cares more about protecting criminals than victims (or future victims).  It’s possible the law exists because the lawmakers themselves have arrest and court records.

seemingly undefeatable security” — to me, this whole sequence was a joke, and my emotional response was exasperation. The CIA fell for a fake fire alarm? And the air duct right above the CIA’s most important computer is large enough and strong enough to hold two grown men? And the alarm that is supposed to detect

“L.A. Confidential” is a MUCH better movie than book.

I really want a political thriller involving Wakanda, with T’Challa never donning the panther suit or physically fighting anyone.

Totally agree. In Honolulu we had an off-duty federal agent from the mainland who was out drinking all night. He went to McDonalds where a local guy (i.e., brown skin) was sitting around and asking customers “Can I help you?” So the agent goes over and kicks the man. The man fights back, and the poorly trained agent

But at least Amy looks like that in real life too. It’s a TINY step forward for Hollywood.

This was my view as well, although I’d also throw in Rogue One at the end (updated special effects, a little something extra beyond just the 3 originals, and it didn’t “ruin” Star Wars).

It’s too late for me, because my son has already seen the prequels and Eps VII and VIII, but in hindsight (or if/when I have grandkids), I’d show: Star Wars; Empire Strikes Back; Return of the Jedi; and Rogue One, in that order. I liked Episode VII and VIII well enough, but I don’t know where Ep IX is heading, and