A bit before that at a private room at E3. Trey's a lovely fellow.
A bit before that at a private room at E3. Trey's a lovely fellow.
It now ships with the worst kind of DLC...
I am into that thing. But are they strong? I don't like to drink anything under 14%. I find it a waste of time.
Came here to say that exact thing.
I played it for a couple of hours but not at THQ. Curious to which build you played.
I stopped caring about it when Trey Parker himself said "FUCK DLC", and then they included it anyways.
That is weird. Hopefully whoever is doing this and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The diffusion caused by the low color palette.
See I can see what that image is trying to do but we've all been conditioned now that; GIF compression=expect something sudden.
I do, thing is I think a little more deeper than others so I get it more than others.
I am, I just find it hilarious that deep down gender issues are reversed. (Men being the softer, more vulnerable and emotional sex, men's drinks being softer than woman's drinks...)
It does seem awfully weak and girly though. I guess I'm just into more manly, stronger flavored drinks. As I say I like to taste the alcohol, not mask it and dilute it beyond all hope.
a ha no it's not so bad. I think my dislike came from not understanding WTF was going on, or even how to play it. Now I've got an adults brain I can see what needs doing. Yeah it's not so bad. Still weird as fuck though.
Your post has made me want to play it again. Maybe now we're in a world where calming, exploration based games are the thing, perhaps Ecco was just the forerunner to all that?
It doesn't matter anyways, almost all new Wii U releases are 1080p30 or 60.
I've always been interested in what Ecco fans see in the game. I didn't like it as a child and I still can't get into it now. Out of genuine interest and an attempt to like it, what's the appeal?
Partially, but when I drink alcohol I want to taste it and not some piss-flavoured watered down garbage. It's the equivalent to smoking lite cigarettes, using low-fat butter, a macdonalds burger compared to a sirloin steak.
It was perfect wasn't it. Best music, best level ideas and design, perfect length, best chaos emerald minigame. I can't wait for them to release that in 3D.
Eh not as good as Bat Dad.
Wow you need to catch up.