
Art looks very shit.

Net Neutrality would also limit or even STOP the completely anonymity the internet provides. Less cyber bullies, less hacking. When I see the benefits I instantly don't care about a price increase. It's cheap where I live and very very fast.

My pets get the best of both worlds. It's great. I don't keep them locked up and they're free to come and go as they please. They've all lived happy long lives, way beyond the average ages. Which I also partially put down to giving them a VERY good diet.

You seem angry beyond all belief. Love the Hawkeye pose comparisons. They're so bad it highlights what's wrong with comic artists.

They will have it. Everyone does. The poor dev has Dropbox Business, the normal one has better.
Only idiots don't.

Eh I'm in the same situation but... actually scratch that money isn't a problem LOL

Deleted if you stop subscribing? It went from SAFE HAVEN to TOTAL GUNK that I won't be using beyond the initial trial. Once my old 'mons are over that's it.

Exactly this.

What a tool.

Wasted on mobile. Why isn't this on Vita at least?

"inherent shyness"

Would be nice if those steps were taken in places where people with guns were killing lots of people.

COMPLETELY agree. Minecraft was an enjoyable copy of another game but the other 2 they were/are working on looked crap. I'm talking of course about that space game and that card game.

Exactly it, it's positive and fun. Better than those shit ones 4chan makes.


Totally agree.

Did you not watch the movie? Everything went back to how it was before................

Really? I thought they were pretty weak and then they fucked up by saying the xbox had one. Have Matt and Trey not seen the sales figures? Don't they know the PS4 is the one in the lead (well behind the Wii U but you know)

Yeah who the fuck actually does that these days?

That's fucking disgusting.