
You could've just posted this yourself y'know.

Deleted if you stop subscribing? It went from SAFE HAVEN to TOTAL GUNK that I won't be using beyond the initial trial. Once my old 'mons are over that's it.

It requires dedication, time, and an effort to do lots of things. It doesn't make them worthwhile or productive.

No matter how attractive, a crazy cat-lady who speaks in her own made up cutesy slang is still a crazy cat-lady. Also, cutesy made up words is kind of a turn-off. She's all yours, Bruce.


Would be nice if those steps were taken in places where people with guns were killing lots of people.

I've actually thought about why it's appealing and why it's lasted longer amongst my friends, and I think it's because at the end of the day, it's all positive things. It's goofy, but it's uplifting in the sense it uses grandiose terms (such, very, so) and is usually expressing why something is great/cool/whatever

Did you not watch the movie? Everything went back to how it was before................

what do they mean "xbox won the console wars"?. maybe I need to watch the full episodes to get the context, but so far ps4 seems to be "winning", but this is just the beginning, so it's too soon to say which console "won" this iteration of the console wars.
xbox didn't win last generation either, nobody won, the wii

The only good Sonic cartoon. So wacky and playful. Then it turned emo and pulled in all the "I am sooo dark" emo kids.

Exactly what I was thinking. What a dickhead.

It's not just you. PS4 renders the game at a higher resolution, which makes a big difference for elements like flora, and wires/pipes. Anything thin. Also, anything at a distance.

"The honourable and upright man keeps well away from both the slaughterhouse and the kitchen. And he allows no knives on his table."

So a man doesn't prepare his own meal? You're kind of an ass Confucius.

When a friend of mine was sick in hospital he asked me to carry on his Dark Souls save. I felt really bad and copied it to be sure I didn't break anything.

You may have seen the original version of this image at some point over the past few years. Now it's been updated for our upcoming era of microtransactions, as seen in games like Ryse, Forza 5, Crimson Dragon, NBA 2k14, Killer Instinct, and Dead Rising 3. Welcome to the future.

If Gearbox did this they would charge you for each character, for the full price of the game, for every reload you have to do...

I hope the legal retaliation becomes the norm. For too long it has been left with teachers and parents who don't care. Perhaps if they get sued they will take notice and fix the problem.

Why don't they get tasked with coming up with decent games without gambling/microtransaction tactics?

Man I wish there was a suing culture in the UK when I was growing up - I wouldn't have to be working right now.

At what point will the world finally be tired of this insipid series? Far more creative and entertaining game franchises had a shorter shelf life than this.