
Music=never. Why would I?

That sucks. I like being able to play my video files from a USB pen drive.

Panned, compared to the original songs from Sonic 1 and 2.

True. But Hachi/Nell/Colin were reward CO's. The BFG 9000, the invincibility pickup, the up down left right A start...

Christ. Import it man. The 3DS is the golden child of this generation.

That's a good way of looking at it. But I also just think that the character would hate the actor, considering the extremely liberal/progressive nature of the show.

If you enjoy bad music, yeah.

I'll buy the only Mega Drive games that still hold up; Sonic 2 and Streets of Rage 2.

Wait you didn't own a 3DS before, whats wrong with you.

I know right! Games are designed to support that. Even docs say its one index finger for L1 and L2, and R1 and R2.

That guy is extremely right wing, so much that it actually hurts me to watch Firefly now knowing his hyper conservative views.

But they're playing on private servers owned by companies that cannot afford to be seen allowing this kind of horrible material.

That's a really bizarre thing to say, you don't even know I went to private schools and a top-tier university. I don't even watch movies apart from a few horror titles. So, I'm quite confused by your comment.

I never knew it wasn't released in Japan. that's crazy but understandable. It's nowhere near as good as Dual Strike.

Why is beer seen as the man's drink? It's weak as piss. 4-8 ABV%? Bah. Give me a nice red wine or single malt whisky. But only once every 1-2 weeks. Got a great 48% at the moment...

It makes me sad that films, games and images like this just don't scare me. I'm not a dark person by any account.

Yet games like Deus Ex on Wii U run much better than last gen consoles and at a higher res whilst running an additional 480p60 display.

Nope, I don't post racist or homophobic material. Staunchly anti-racist actually.

Same, it should be a game I love going off the genres but I really can't bring myself to get excited over it.

Weird, because my name is already in the credits for a few PS4 games, I'm well aware of the capabilities.