
LOL, that photo isn’t from Ford. I took that photo for my Ranger review for Jalopnik... so it’s Jalopnik’s photo!

Tri-point star. Triforce. It all makes sense now. Although I guess that was a reference to Link being given a Toblerone.

These records are all stupid.  Please stop reporting on them so they can go away.

It’s like a tweet from Trump. You read it to see how stupid it is, but then you realize you’re just encouraging him by giving him more attention.

Does this simpleton understand

This platform will underpin new cars from Pontiac AND Saturn!

leave it to GM to be two decades behind itself.

sure, round tires too.  Stuff that all cars should have.

I mean...David...come on...You’ve done amazing things mechanically with these old, decrepit jeeps and you’re very mechanically inclined, but then you let water just freeze inside the block?

Can I play?

I got one of these once with an actual person saying they’d like to speak to me about extending my factory warranty.

We know we’re looking at the past when we view the cosmos, but rarely do we consider our own technology looking back at us through time.

One of my businesses is garage storage products, and our larger steel cabinets all come from China. We got an email yesterday letting us know all shipments were on a 6 week delay.

Neutral: Would You Ever Apply For a 69-Month Car Loan?

Max, that's FANTASTIC work. Well done.

“Yeah, you’ll need to pull the engine out to get to that one”. 

That’s the problem, you can get a bigger, more capable truck for the same money. There were plenty of Gladiators at the local Jeep dealership for well into the $50k range. That’s 3/4 ton truck money. I love the idea of a Wrangler pickup priced to compete with midsize offerings, not so much priced against 1/2 to 3/4

To be effective they would have to stop anyone coming from Asian, believe it or not white people could travel from Asia.

This engine costs as much as an LS.

New. In box. From factory. With a better warranty.

That'll fix their sales. Another antiquated engine that costs more than others complete motorcycle.