
hello, it’s me, the other person who still thinks about onimusha a lot. just checking in. nice to see you. see you at my biannual “do a HD release of the trilogy please “comment.

if you are trying for sexy times with someone who objects to delicious garlic sauce, then you need a new partner

Also these kids:

We choose to play music using code. We choose to use code in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are

So... tomorrow?

It’s like Besiege mixed with Banjo Nut and Bolts

“If it modifies the code its a mod.”

My friend, this is THE porn couch.

Semantics don’t matter if it “fixes” the issue that bothers you.

Of course it is. Whether it's official doesn't make any difference if it fixes your problem.

Do people even use the phrase “surf the Web anymore”? If I heard someone say that I would look at them like they were just old and corny and mind you that I am in my forties.

I can’t help but laugh while simultaneously being slightly disgusted that some of the first mods to come out for the Bethesda games are always nude mods and killable children.

So, the worst one is getting a sequel. Where are Tales or Wolf Among Us Season 2?

Surprisingly nobody is my the Cure tribute band.

Yeah! I liked that approach, too. Let’s say it falls under “Straight-up putting huge text on the screen.”