Me either, and I was disappointed. But then I clicked on it and it worked. All is well.
I don’t condemn any of this but personally i feel no need for this mod and I’m sure I’m not alone in finding some of those emboldened quotes a little disturbing. Can we just throw in an obligatory “those people are a little effed in the head before and not in correlation with the games they’re playing” bit though. I…
Well said! I’m god knows how many hours into it by now (around level 45) and while I’m still loving it, there’s this early game magic that I’vefel tthe absence of, and creeping tedium as I’ve done more fast traveling, junking trips teleporting back and forth all over the map. I’m going to commit to this for the rest…
That’s pretty much how I’ve used it. I’m hoarding fusion cores so that once ive gotten that science perk and I’m in late game I can roll out in power armor way more. But as of now, about level 40 I’ve only used it for a couple challenging fights that I couldn’t do after a few tries—power armor fixed that right quick.
I would love a new wolf among us but at this point, I have zero interest in Telltale games until they fix their damn engine.
Is it just me or does he sound like Demetri Martin? I thought it was him for the longest time, and sometimes it almost sounds like it could be Justin Roiland.
What’s hilarious is him chasing after him every time the mysterious stranger shows up (if you have the perk)
I agree with all of that. I loved the Witcher but going through it now a second time it’s especially glaring how much of my time is spent running and waiting and fast travelling. I would much rather have something smaller but dense with places to explore.
I liked it a little more than I expected to but it doesn’t stand out as a must-buy for me either—especially with Fallout 4 on the horizon. I’ll be interested to see where it is in terms of content and pricing a few months from now though.
I think he means it’s more likely to be supported by playstation vr. Either way it seems like a great fit for VR when it’s ready.
I agree. I got mine for 30 or 40 and I’d be a lot happier if it came with more memory, even just 8 or 16gb.
I haven’t tried it for that stuff yet but considering the storage on the system is laughable, I think you would need those outrageously priced memory cards to utilize it for isos. From what I’ve heard though, it seems to work well for the Vita games that its compatible with.
I use it exclusively to play my ps4 in a differnent room of my apartment and for 40 bucks that’s worth me not moving my PS4 ever. But you need it to be wired or use an outlet powered booster unless your internet is godspeed.
That’s a pretty cool trick and coincidentally I literally just set up a PlayStation TV in my apartment. Admittedly it’s total garbage via wifi. My internet is not insanely good like fiber or anything but it is very good (I can download PS4 games while watching netflix while my SO plays league and neither her or I run…
Agreed! I keep trying Nocturne because I love the idea of him, but I’m a dreadful jungler.
Yeah either way they roll on a bed of pachinko money. I am really excited to potentially see someone else’s take on MGS but I love Kojima (as bonkers as he is) and I’m happy to support his swan song.
I am so glad you went all beautiful mind on this and laid on all these details so well. I love the speculation this game ignites in its players and I most of all I like that none of it is entirely clear to us.
I’m really disappointed about that, I got really into the mangas concept, despite it having some really solid lulls and a painfully vague cliffhanger. The titans in the movie looks pretty good and I was trying to be hopeful about it .
I was really hoping for another morning after a bender “The Hangover” type mission in this game. Fingers crossed for DLC!