
I agree. Part of why I clicked on this was a genuine curiosity for what a LOL sandbox mode would be. I’m a console gamer through and through, but my girlfriend has got me into League over the past year. I enjoy it most of the time and I dabble a few hours a week (I’m still pretty awful) and in the beginning I

It’s funny, this was the first game I really didn’t mind side quests at all. I’ve experienced that FOMO issue in open world games in the past but i Just dive into it for a couple hours at a time in chunks and sometimes I get more progression in than others, but I enjoy it every time. Different strokes I suppose.

I really liked but the subscription pay model instead of a one time option (for less features even) is rough especially when it’s so glitchy. On my note 3 I get blank screens or two different screens laid on top of each other all the time. I like the UI and the notification bar but it’s just too messy with the

I’m curious, why Transmission over Utorrent?

I just checked out Day O. Will it not work on Yosemite? Or it’s just not being updated so it may hit snags eventually?

Ah yeah only once for me as well. Which is a shame because I have all trophies except the two that require me to play coop with someone else helping me :(

I'm playing on PS4 and I've almost never had any type of issues. The most I can report is some jankiness in the climbing when using the grappling hook and one time i saw a bunch of monkeys a few feet underwater just hanging out, being monkeys, unaware that they should be drowning. Nothing that's detracted from the