
I don't care what you say, Death Race was awesome.

I mean, I understand you, but what you're saying to me reminds me of how stiff and how much not about me or my partner my own wedding would be if I had a 100 guests, especially in my hometown, because people are not "hey, we're here to support you", is "we're here to see you perform for us". Look, I'm hispanic, you

Knott's in Southern California used to have a whole exhibit dedicated to this. It was disorienting.

This show, man. I am disappoint.

Without slavery, the way of life of the middle and upper classes in the antebellum South would have been a different world. We would not even recognize it as the same people. The hoop skirts, the luxuries, the balls - only the smallest minority of the richest families would have been able to enjoy them.

frat lobby? FRAT. LOBBY.

There's an upside to this. It's got to be starting to penetrate even the thickest skull that these frat incidents are not anomalies. Time for them to go.

I can't even imagine what the planning meeting must have looked like for this. "Hey bros, the Greek system is getting a lot of flack lately for seeming to prioritize partying over rape. What should we do? I know let's make it SUPER clear that we don't care about rape, that'll clear up the confusion!!" How did these

Yeah... I was really confused about why hoop skirts were being banned until I realized the context. Hoop skirts = pretty. Celebrating slavery = not optimal.

I'm surprised they didn't throw assaulting an officer in there, that way they can justify throwing him to the ground with such force he cut his head open.

Yes, this shows a basic lack of history knowledge or and understanding of historical class or gender relations.

It's not the fucking dress itself, it's the fucking celebration and drawing on the symbolism of an era where slavery was championed and part of an every-day fabric of life.

"Society's number one scapegoat" huh? Must be tough.

The popularity of the ante-bellum era continues to amaze me. It's not only in the South, either. I attended a lot of historical re-enactment events (it was for my job, don't judge me!) and I was surprised to see how many Americans re-enacted the ante-bellum period. I saw more Confederate uniforms than Union

Despite the utter stupidity in this quote "they have been a fashion staple for women for almost 300 years" (really? not in the world the rest of us live in), I agree that it's not about the hoop skirts in and of themselves. What SHOULD be banned entirely is any event celebrating the antebellum South since it is

Swastikas were a symbolic staple for many centuries before the Nazis, Elizabeth Sayers. Doesn't mean Germans should wear them. Context is everything, and the context of those outfits at your school is the tie to the antebellum South. More, it's the tie to the Confederacy- the boys weren't wearing early 19th-century

"In no way do hoop skirts have any relation to racial intolerance...."