
Oh, I have heard this kind of garbage from ALL kinds of women. Hell, I’ve heard this garbage from all kinds of men, too—the most vocal TERF I know is a highly educated, young, liberal, male PoC.

What particularly bums me out is the forums and microphones we allow TERFs. Like, allowing this individual a platform at all, along with her bullshit about how “EVERYONE THINKS THIS BUT NO ONE SAYS IT” (um, no, dear, we’re not all as bigoted and rotten as you, thanks) is another way of mainstreaming this kind of idea.

Accompanied by what appears to be a cheering man holding a baby. A powerful image altogether.

This is a war that is being fought on the bodies of women.

the lede image reminds me of this woman getting rid of her mandated black niqab after fleeing:

Merh I read that more as a “OK lets move on here what can we possible say to move on from this topic”

To be fair, he does seem to demonstrate a remarkable amount of sympathy for his own abuser as well.

I actually read their comments about the Duggars as very “uuuuhhhhhhh MOVING ON,” considering the extent to which they are pop cultural fellow travelers. Obviously I’d prefer something much less ambiguous, but I’m not sure I’d call it an out-and-out defense, either, which is interesting.

I didn’t think he was saying that God had a plan for him to be molested. I read that as “he had a plan to make the pain I suffered, eventually serve a purpose” (in this case, to make him a better dad).

I’m assuming the remark about the Duggars? Though I’m going to give them a pass on that, since it’s a difficult thing to make a public statement about and doesn’t really have anything to do with Jep’s childhood.

Thank god.

You just don’t get it. If you have problems with him it must be because you’re in the “old generation” and thus have no insights or received wisdom to impart whatsoever. Quietly await death, and stay off Twitter, please and thank you.

He LITERALLY said “but I have a black friend”


I don’t know about mandatory classes, but I think most people prefer to study languages like French, Italian and German because of the whole written canon and culture associated to these languages. I myself study German because of my interest and love for German literature, philosophy and culture in general and I

Yeah, this graph has a lot of problems like that. Cantonese is entirely different than Mandarin, to the point that speakers of the two couldn’t actually understand one another, so they shouldn’t all be listed as “Chinese”. I think Urdu definitely should have been included as a subset of Hindi since, to my knowledge,

The argument from numbers is not self-explanatory. Why do you want to learn a language? Culture? Business? Literature? Intelligence/defense? Utility is in the eye of the beholder and a result of the career path and personal journey you take through life. If you study language X, go live in a country where language X

From a point of view based solely on ease of learning, Hindi would be the best choice for English-speaking students. Arabic and Chinese are considered among the most difficult languages to learn as second languages, and Japanese is right up there with them. However, Hindi and to a lesser extent, Japanese, aren’t

This is a native language map, not a most spoken language map, so French is more widespread than you think.

Looking at that, i wish instead of french being mandatory in school i’d rather would have had chinese, arabic, hindi or japanese. Look at how tiny french is on there!