
Are you sure it's a red flag? I'm not so certain, might be pink.

Hello, sister from a different mister. I tend to be attracted to older guys because I'm quite vulnerable and I tend to crave stability, so my brain is like 'Oh, hello sir, you have probably got your shit together!' Literally my only consolation is that I know a lot of young guys who are just as bad when it comes to

There was a study recently that showed that this bias is prevalent the other way around, too: when college students evaluate teachers. Women are rated lower in even the least subjective categories (i.e.: length of time to grade assignments).

Oh, I'm fully aware of all you said but it is literally a physiological gut reaction! It IS that complicated. Don't you just love psychology???

My ex-boyfriend used to correct me all the time, even when I was actually right, even when he ended up repeating something I had just said in a way that implied that I had disagreed with it. He also used to interrupt me or never give me a chance to speak and then act like he had to put all the work into conversation.

But I think on either side: being corrected or having to do the correcting... it's pretty uncomfortable because accepting someone, flaws and all, is a pretty tall order, along with being willing to call them on their shit.

I'm dating a guy who is quite a bit younger and smart, but surprisingly oblivious to things. Cute as a button and sweet. I remember trivia, sometimes vaguely to a point that maybe I'm not getting it quite right. And you know what I get from him? Almost every time: "Oh I believe it!"

He's a sweetheart. Sometimes he

Lol, I broke up with a boyfriend because of this.

Beyonce praise is the best praise.

On a fundamentally different note, I keep reading your name as "Benjamin Anal-lover" and it makes me smile every time.

How 'bout putting some sugar water in a spray bottle and skipping the ACID BATH on that expensive dye job.

I actually grade blind whenever possible to avoid my own biases. I don't know why other teachers don't do this.

They should all know. Redface, blackface, etc. Green and blue faces are cool for Halloween but everything else should be your own face with maybe a groucho glasses with mustache or a scary glue on nose.

No one gives a fuck if you think I'm being emotional for pointing out how fucking absurd it is for you to say that because you have not personally SEEN a phenomenon, it must not exist, on an article that specifically discusses men not trusting women at their word. It doesn't matter to you how many women respond to me

all.the business.meetings.

YES!! This happened to me in grad school! I asked a question, and the douchebag professor was like, "no, that's the dumbest thing I ever heard." And not 5 minutes later, said the exact thing I had just asked a question about as a FACT. And everyone in the room turned to look at me like, "Are we all taking crazy

Tell him that next time you'll cut out the middleman and go straight to his golf buddies.

You need to stand up in those meetings and say, "I JUST SAID THAT AND YOU IGNORED ME." They will think you are a crazy lady, but they'll be frightened of you, and you will have put them on notice that you (a) exist and (b) are not to be fucked with. Better, the odds are not nil that someone else will say, "Yeah, she

It appears that even though CharlieKingoftheRats wasn't actually present for the event you describe, he's still the expert. Which is just a great fucking example of the point at hand, no?

Me: This is the answer, blah, blah.

OMG, yes. I've been trying to convince my husband that he should quit his job and go to grad school full time because the benefits will accrue over the long term much more quickly for BOTH of us (and that's even before we get to tax benefits). He can't get over the idea of being "supported". At least he realizes