
Anyone who has ever sat in a classroom/meeting/whatever and made a point, been told it's not exactly right, only to hear a man in the room repeat THE EXACT SAME POINT in slightly different words, and be told he's a visionary, has experienced the rage. It more or less sums up like 50% of graduate seminars, and no doubt

Ha. This isn't exactly the same, but last year our carbon monoxide monitor went off. I freaked out and was googling what I should do. I absolutely didn't want to mess around. My husband just wanted to crack a window and ignore it. I called the fire department instead (just called them directly, not 911 or emergency).

My brother is a serial fuck-up. He just cannot get his emotional shit together. he has a good job (somehow) but is in a loveless/abusive marriage and is an alcoholic. Despite this, members of my family consistently believe his narrative of our childhood over mine simply because he is male. He physically abused me

Oh, I have a wonderful example of this in action. I'm at work. Myself and the other women in the office start feeling weird. Headaches, dizziness, etc. We think we can smell gas. We become concerned. The men are all "whatever, you are all crazy". This goes on for a couple hours. We are feeling really gross. The men

This is why talking about issues women face spirals so quickly. "X happened to me." "Nah, it was probably something else altogether." We're considered unreliable witnesses and interpreters of our own experiences.

This was upsetting and kind of an eye opener. We are buying a new house soon and I have given my husband several ideas for renovations that would really suit our personalities. Every time without fail he tells me it won't work because of xyz. Only after I go online and find some guy that has a DIY step by step (that

That's because most Americans seem to like to take a haughty view of the worst excesses in other countries - contemptuously diagnosing the societal "illnesses" that have caused the latest atrocity.

Religious zealotry is not the reason for Afghanistan's demise, but a symptom of it. The lack of societal structures, a country mired in war, corruption, poverty, tribalism and warlords controlling large parts of the country has led to this. The lack of a civil society provides a fertile base for religious fanatism.

A woman studying? I'd suspect that was why they wanted her dead. That's probably why they started the stupid rumor of her burning the Quran.

Yup. And yet we have idiots here who "oppose Sharia" only because they want their own religion to be the one enforced. Ten Commandments statues, bans on porn, abortion, gay marriage, etc.

So, this "faith" is so fragile it can be harmed by a woman destroying a copy of a book? It needs defending from such actions and such women with brutal violence? Destroying a book is a death penalty offense? Sounds like a punk-ass god and a useless faith to me.

I'm an agnostic, so you kinda like preaching to the choir (no pun intended). In a just society, the freedom to religion is balanced out by the freedom from religion and the threshold for practicing your faith should always be to not infringe on the freedom of others who do not share your belief system.

Picture of the funeral procession (Source: BBC):

For the record, though - even if she had burned a Quran, it still wouldn't have justified her beating, burning and murder.

Oh hey, I'm just like Candace Bergen! A little bit. In this one way. Sort of.

Something rubs me the wrong way about this running skit of a grown man and his guests making fun of teen/tween girls. I don't watch his show b/c I find him generally unbearable, but does anyone know if he ever satirizes boys also?

a google search has borne this new information: