
That is terrible- epic fail Target! There is no shape to that in anyway, looks like a large handkerchief! The colors and pattern are worthless on the blue and pink one...arm holes are way too large for that size of shirt. Pull the line, research a little more and go back to the drawing board Target! I wouldn't wear

Well, good. I wish we had that in the US. There are deeper issues in the US that aren't as prevalent in Europe as a whole, even with birth rate differences.

I'd like to respond but I can't stop laughing at that name XD

Actually they're illegal without the written consent of both parties unless there is a court order. But don't let facts get in the way of your ridiculous sperm-jacking panic.

Yes! Honestly, France is an amazing place to start a family. If you have access to French health care, all birth-related care is top notch and free. You and your partner get tons of time off, and it is socially acceptable to take it. Even if you end up paying for childcare, it's never more than 500 euros a month. It's

This idea of the "package" is very intriguing to me and it's a good description of what I've attempted to describe to people previously about why I don't want children...

I'd say either was better than statutory rape. He had the option to fight me on it. Her parents would have to press charges and apparently they couldn't have cared less. His father simply saw the benefit of keeping the matter off public record and encouraged him to make the bed he chose to lie in. I personally

My first husband wasn't very bright. It's never a good idea to cheat on a wife that works for a government agency known for its expertise in spying. Third generation in the same line of work to boot.

I know! I HATE when I read that girls returned jewelry after a cheating incident. I realize most women wouldn't want a reminder of the man, so sell that shit! Go to a spa! But a downpayment on a Benz! Fuck him, treat yourself to something nice on his stupid ass dime.

About seven years ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I was lucky in that it was fairly isolated so they just chopped that sucker out, but I was devastated by the treatments. Just.. so so sick. An old friend of mine (we'd shared a really shitty apt in NYC in my early 20s and during this time she and I had had a

In the summer of 2013, I had spent 8 Very Long, Very Hard years in graduate school and was a mere two weeks away from defending my Ph.D. My monogamous husband of 8.5 years went over to visit our closest couple friends' of 5 years house to drink and play video games while I worked on all of my dissertation shit.

I've told this story before here. But.

"Sorcia, I'm in love with your best friend [a dude with a hilariously ridiculous name that I cannot post here]. We're moving to Virginia and I hope you'll be happy for us."

My (now ex) fiancé and I had a somewhat long-distance relationship. I worked an a city 3 hours from the small town we lived in, so I would stay with friends or my parents while I worked my 4 days on, and go home on my days off. Things were never "good" when I was at home, but anyone can tolerate each other for 4-5

I had to take my mother to the emergency room while I was visiting her one weekend. I ended up staying for several days because she was super sick and my dad is basically incapable of caring for a houseplant, let alone a human. When I got back to my apartment I shared with my ex, the place was totally trashed and he

I was seeing one of my longtime best guy friends (whom I'd kissed a couple times over the course of our friendship, but had just started, like, being with in any more significant capacity). He told me that he loved me quickly. The whole thing was very intense. I'd been hearing rumors from mutual friends that he was

I dated a "local celebrity" for 3 years, and always suspected that he may not have been faithful, but could never prove it. I was working as a sales assistant at a radio station, and we had a staff meeting with our newest hire. This was right after I had finally broken up with the dude, and my supervisor was saying

You dated Newt Gingrich?

I read my boyfriends diary. To whom he spoke to, in the third person. Like "Hey there diary, things are awesome." Some highlights: