
Rewinding the world through a centenarian's eyes always interests me. So let's see... she definitely remembered a time when horses and wagons were the main transports. Probably remembered the first car she ever rode in, which was probably a Model T, and she might well have remembered the first one she even saw.

Thank you for your service Mrs. Coffey.

The State Department also had this:

Godspeed, you awesome woman.

And that floral print is not good.

Yeah this was so bizarre and makes me worry that they are doing what a lot of people do when designing for plus size - assuming you want to cover up as much of your body as possible. Because who could be proud of how they look at that size!? (f off, Target.)

So so awful!

do you not know what framed means.

Fox also calls this a "bizarre demand".

" white professors were openly using the N-word." Holy shit. Post-racial America, huh!

Mentally, presidential election years feel a little bit like being stranded indoors during a major weather event. At first, it's kind of fun...

On the second:

I think EVERY man mentioned in today's column has poor judgement.

Now that's a lovely turn of phrase.

aggressively poor judgement

The AK-47 was on Oprah's Favorite Things list last year, along with a ginger body scrub and a fleece robe.

Don't listen to my body too closely, Stamos. I just ate cabbage and it's a bit gassy in there.

legit worst idea ever. like its oprah. sit down.