
My Papa— whose childhood spanned the great depression in Arkansas and whose job in the war was rationing food on a battleship— only ever gave us one half of a stick of Wrigley's, which he always kept in his breast pocket. He'd tear the stick in half and give one to a grandkid and chew the other himself or put it back

I want to be that guy...

The allegations are all at least a decade old, if not older. It makes for a revealing look into the character of a man who for years put himself out there as America's Dad type but we see now what a real piece of shit he really was. But due to the age i don't belive any of these can be tried in criminal court and so

Went and saw Hannibal here in Portland last week and he was damn good. He also mentioned this Cosby-fan phenomenon during his show here, saying that he still gets messages about it on his FB every single day, and most of 'em are bad.

I was hoping it was male body builder-Slash-stripper. Like a really buff dude who dresses like Slash and strips to his music.

I'm sorry, is he wearing a Joy Division t-shirt?

And Jimmy Fallon must be stewing! Not only has he lost his best bud, Brian Williams, but Buress made it impossible to book Cosby.

Wait. I read about this the other day. Bone broth is a concoction that you feed to babies. It is a super bad idea.

agreed. I say down with chef boyardee for pizza, that's for sure. lol! ugh, i mean let's have some standards ;) lol

same here. I remember growing up with crackers and butter as a suitable snack (seriously slap some butter on that saltine, mmmmm heart disease!) and also there was the horror that was chef boyardee spaghetti sauce on the thinnest homemade flour pizza crust you'll ever see (it was soo gross. Even my father would make

Yep that was my Granny too, none of that leaving a bit of food on your plate for "Mr Manners" - "Sod Mr Manners, there are children starving in Africa" - she'd unravel sweaters and knit scarves and such despite the fact that they were comfortably off. She was Etsy before Etsy.

I have never met a single person who lived through the Depression who wasn't a hoarder. They never ever throw anything away. Nothing.

That first paragraph was such a pleasure to read and a wonder to imagine. It inspires me in a strange way.

This. Not many people can pull off bright yellow of all yellows (I'm olive skinned, so I will never know the joys of wearing yellow, orange or green without looking deathly ill).

This is your base, Republicans, this nut job right here. You think she got this way all on her own? You think this woman pulled this crap out of the thin air? She's been spoonfed all these talking points for the last 7yrs from Fox News, Rush, Beck, Alex Jones, etc. Long after Obama's out of the White House this woman,

My grandmother was like this because of being a child in the Depression - she thought paper towels were incredibly wasteful (use dish towels!) and washed and re-used Ziplock bags if she used them at all, things like that. I actually learned a lot about not being wasteful from her!

Well, then, my work here is done.

My husband does it, too. The last time I corrected him he told me that if literally can mean figuratively, then spendthrift can mean frugal. :)

Why thank you!