"The kind of bombing you see on the nightly news…" You mean those bombs that they use on Planned Parenthood locations? The specifically NOT glittery variety?
So, they can say they've been bombed, straight up, in the subject line. James O'Keefe and his ilk can disingenuously run around making shit up to try and discredit the likes of ACORN and Planned Parenthood and whatnot. Rick Perry can act as if a handful of voter fraud cases is way more important than the estimated…
Ugh. This is the worst sort of false equivalence and outright deception.
Of course this is serious. If a straight man walks out of his office covered in sparkles, people might start thinking he is ONE OF THOSE HOMOSEXUALS and then he won't get into Heaven, despite his best efforts to fuck over women and save the babies.
Glitter IS annoying. Not quite as annoying as fearing for your life every single day because of religious wackos, but still.
What? They need money to buy more vacuum cleaners? They should spend whatever money they raise to pay a therapist to help them discover self-reflection.
I would be thrilled with a glitter bomb in my office. My job is boring, y'all.
Even the example for bingewatching in the article references Kimmy Schmidt — which is a Netflix show. There's no substantive distinction between the two.
They did in the study itself. Just not the Jezebel write up. Cooking from scratch and not watching cooking shows was correlated with lower BMIs.
These fucking people have ruined the word 'purity' for me. I cringe when I hear it now, the same way I do with 'moist.'
My grandmother (reportedly; she died when I was very young) was like this, having lived through the Great Depression, specifically with food. Either you cleaned your plate, or you left enough to be reused as leftovers. You didn't throw away that little bit of food in the middle, ever.
Please. The woman has obviously never met a bottle of sunscreen.
Was going to watch because, rubbernecking. Glad I caught your comment, first.
Oh, hey, where's knitting on the bracket? Is that on here?
X100! I am a chef in catering, doing mostly weddings/fancy dress dinners. Most of our recipes are not things we cook for ourselves at home, they're just too rich. Also, too many steps and ingredients!
In the end if it comes down to Netflix vs. binge-watching, my brain might explode.
Um, I don't know Colin, let me tell you a story about a stubborn young girl who hated sports and didn't like learning about things that she hated
And, for all intents and purposes, it's the same as Netflix.