
"Dad, can you finish typing that email already? We're going to be late to the purity ball."

so... i don't understand.

What if you do it with a friend?

You're right.

Can't we argue that binge-watching is barely on the IRL side here?

Oh, I dunno. It would not surprise me in the slightest if this person had no idea what "Brazilian" means, except in the context of "scary brown illegals bringing measles from Mexico."

Fun fact: Anybody who writes or utters the phrase "I want the purity of my daughters protected" in regards to a bra commercial is going to be a grandparent at 35.

You know damn well she doesn't have any pubic hair.

yeah, i'm not too familiar with 'western food' and when i first read it, i thought it was something very exotic

I really hope homegirl is up to date on her tetanus.

The hetero male gaze strikes again. Viva la sexual revolution that never actually happened.


"I'm incredibly close to the common woman."

new school uniform

Yes, by all means, let's continue to perpetuate the idea that a girl is only worth how attractive she is to random men. Forget loving yourself, ladies. Only male opinions on your attractiveness matter. Honestly, it's good to tell girls this in high school so they don't get any dangerous ideas about thinking for

Perfect. Then how about telling teen boys to shut the fuck up about other people's bodies.

"Hello teen boy, what about girls do you find attractive?"


"This wasn't very helpful."

This guy is the Platonic Ideal of every Fratty Douche Bro in existence.

Project Veritas would never do anything that we believe would incite violence against police officers.

It sounds so stilted and weird. Reminds me of this: