
Yes. There are so many easier ways to make a baby with assisted reproduction than IVF- there is a reason for the IVF. A single woman can even do the "turkey baster" method, essentially, at a fertility clinic for way less than IVF. Like another commenter said- you are not going to save the day here.

Yeah, if some dude she slept with years ago and doesn't talk to now contacts her out of the blue to ask if she wants to have his child, the vast majority of women are going to be creeped out at best and consider moving at worst. Definitely do not do that, guy.

I grew up loving the NFL, and bonding with my father at Soldiers Field in Chicago. I'm (perhaps sadly) at my happiest when watching a good football game.

Spot on observation that makes me sad.

Including Chris Borland, which is why he's retiring now and not asking his wife who she's talking to in 20 years.

The dude interrupting females thing is SO obvious to everyone who is not a dude. If I could have one wish its that I could get the men in my life to understand that one tiny infuriating constant thing that happens so that we can THEN discuss how sexism affects us all. But they are all (white, black, gay, straight,

Because other white dudes can not understand what diversity means unless it comes from the mouth of white dudes. How can they know what's important to listen to, unless the ladies are interrupted and corrected by people who actually know how the world works?

These stories always remind me of the Michael Scott Diversity Training

I don't know Borland's background, but I'm willing to bet he comes from a financially stable family. It's easier to sacrifice NFL money for long-term health if you come from a financially stable family. It's just not worth it if you have other options.

You're not sure that science supports the idea that a guy with two documented concussions and a suspected third one is at a high risk of suffering brain injury when he has a job that asks him to slam his head into objects at high speed hundreds of times a year?

I don't think football is going to lose spectator popularity any time soon, but there is going to be an even more drastic change in the demographic makeup of those who play it.

I wonder if we'll look back at Borland as the first domino to fall. Has there been a player to retire this early specifically due to CTE concerns? Worilds seemed to be health-related but not brain-related and who knows about Willis at this point? I could totally see a not-insignificant trend with this sort of thing.

Or, he informed the team on Friday like the article says. He should be commended for making a tough decision to walk away from pretty much a guaranteed starting spot and future millions of dollars for his long-term health.

Sacrificing money for his long term health.

Yea! How dare he be concerned about his own health!

The other 85% of the proceeds will of course go to the shoe company, because god forbid a young athlete make money off of her own name and likeness.

23? I'm 62 and I look up to her.

Mo'ne Davis is dope and she does dope shit!