
My best story was one in which I went to a CPC where they wore scrubs, referred to clients as patients, etc. Literally everything illegal. They had an ultra sound tech there who was leaving soon, so they asked if I wanted to get the ultra sound before the pregnancy test (highly unusual) and I said yes. Part of the

I used to go undercover to CPCs and there are a bunch of loopholes. Some CPCs have you sign something that states that they aren't a doctor's office and you are aware of it. However, a lot of CPCs do illegal things like referring to clients as patients or dressing in scrubs. Those things ARE illegal, but they just

Yup for sure. You've got me thinking sort of more clearly about some of this. Saudi Arabia- no isn't like what ISIS wants. Thing is, it's run by a royal and business oligarchy. Most of those people in control there (making the deals with the US etc) are not wahhabi terrorists or even sympathizers. They are all

I love this gif so much. How are we going to make through the 2016 election with no Stewart and Colbert on Comedy Central?

They should be shut down for defrauding the "patients" who are unfortunate enough to walk through their doors.

Yes! That's where the ethics issue comes in. Patients look to us as experts. They trust us to answer their questions and give them all the information (even the stuff that is uncomfortable and unpleasant). Lying to patients or knowingly giving false information in order to manipulate vulnerable people who have placed

Like, you aren't really helping upper-middle class white girls who are getting abortions because it doesn't jive with their college plans. And my mom is all, "But that's the people who should be having babies." I just nod and grin.

There are some laws floating around that are trying to get these places to put up disclaimers that they are not medical establishments.

That sure is a funny way to spell "crippled with debt and living on the streets while waiting in line at the VA office"

there are some people, regardless of gender, who are better cut out for this line of work than others.

I don't understand how any group would want to clamber to be a grunt. It's a brutal, thankless job where you have a definite chance of coming back a totally different person - mentally and/or physically.

Yep. As a former Marine I can attest that the mentality of "Every Marine Is An Infantryman First" doesn't necessarily apply to every body. I know a lot of my friends would really get pissed about me saying this, but I just don't view a lot of the female Marines I went to recruit training and served alongside with as

I wish I could give this a million stars. I have SUCH a hard time with the idea of people with ACTUAL medical training being involved in such dishonest and unethical behavior. I've been a nurse for a million years, and I've taken care of lots of people whose decisions I disagree with and would never advocate, but I

Yeah, my mom has mentioned this somewhat. Like, they already say that they want to help women who want to keep the baby, but then you have to ask yourself—-well, who are these women then? At my mom's place, they get a lot of recent immigrants and there you go—-people who want to keep the baby, but they don't have much

I'm reluctant to condone an egging, but it seems justified in this case. My preferred method is coating the windshield with vaseline. It can't be driven until it's cleaned, but what a pain in the ass to try and get it removed. No lasting damage to the vehicle and the look on the cashier's face when you set down a

Oh, my mom is no longer practicing. She doesn't really give medical advice though.


I think a big "problem" is that a lot of these places are charities. Ideally, like at my mom's place, the focus should be providing these women diapers, clothes and other things kids under 2 need. But since, they are charities, I guess, can do whatever they want—lie out their teeth etc.

My anti-choice mother, when I told her I would be getting a Mirena IUD: "It doesn't stop eggs from being fertilized; it just stops them from implanting!" *wrings hands* Me: "I sure as hell hope so!" I don't owe anything to any goddamn egg.

I am really very curious about whether the worker who diagnosed the IUD as a pregnancy was doing it in a deliberately misleading way or if it was a diagnostic mistake. Neither would surprise me, but it'd be interesting to know.