
I feel like the image of an old white millionaire yelling profanity-laced orders at young unpaid black men who are working themselves to exhaustion is something the NCAA would rather not have associated with it's name.

Elton John should probably keep his Rush Limbaugh Wedding Singing mouth shut when it comes to anything other than when performing his "Hits from the 70s, 80s, 90s and today!"

Yes. Thank you Hilary Duff for selflessly posting this pic to make all new moms feel better about themselves. You are a saint.

Even children aren't paying Willy Moon proper respect.

Fun fact: more people in NZ signed a petition to fire her than have bought her last album.

My husband teaches at a university. Most of his pop-culture references are Simpsons-related. In the last couple of years he's started to get a lot of blank stares.

The internet makes it so you can look into stuff that wouldn't have been marketed to your demographic 30+ years ago. Kids now hear about a band from 5 years ago or 50 years ago they can look them up on YouTube. In my day we took whatever MTV gave us. It's kind of erased those generational distinctions. There's a lot

I know. I was making fun of both "manegeress" and "feministic".

I know you didn't. I saw your response. We're not going to agree on this one.

That's not feminist. It's female as other and diminutive.

It looks now like that original response has been removed, and a new one has been posted by the owner denying any wrongdoing. He goes to some lengths to paint the complaint, and the complainant, both, as inherently unhinged. You know we wimmins all be crazy! Nothing we see really happened! And if it did, it wasn't

Yes, seriously. There have been too damn many tragedies and I don't care to witness them. Here in the US:

Well two things. First, if you like what you like, then no prob- carry on! Second, don't be so dismissive of all new music (if that is what you are doing) as that really just means that you haven't heard anything you like, not that it doesn't exist. Not saying that you should take the time to explore it either

Now playing

Me too! And for the record, I don't know how anyone can listen to this and not love it.

I've seen Rock Dads get very upset over the past few weeks about their Paulie making music with satan Kanye. They believe indulging in rap is too trashy for their precious rock musician Paul .

Pickles usually last a long time because they are preserved with vinegar. The fact that the beef is in better shape than the pickle is truly frightening.

The Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police at our base refused to eat the halal MREs, preferring to hire their own cook instead. So I used to sneak the halal MREs guilt-free. They were so much better than our MREs. Loved the bagel chips.

What I always find so especially pathetic about ISIS is the sheer and stunning stupidity and hypocrisy of hating the West while benefiting immensely from its institutions and the values that built those institutions. You fucktards wouldn't have Twitter, Youtube, email, or even the fucking internet without the West but

Allahvun It

That's so disappointing that a group of war criminals who carry out widespread ethnic and religious cleansing, rape women, and employ child junk food. I mean, profiteroles with cheap chocolate? How gauche. With all the money they steal, surely they could fly in some artisanal toast. I'm worried