It's like I make them exist just by noticing them. Wow. I hope I use this power for good...
It's like I make them exist just by noticing them. Wow. I hope I use this power for good...
No, the fact that you acknowledge them is really all that matters.
To clarify point 'B', does the black friend actually have to be aware of your existence? I ask, because I've known a couple of people claiming to have black friends, when what they meant was that they work in a building that has a black person in it, or they got their car fixed by a black mechanic ("he's really quite…
You kid but a shit ton of people would agree with that. If I had a penny for every time someone told me racism ended when Obama was elected I'd have...probably a dollar and some change.
Kathy Griffin quit Fashion Police
It's my last night shift for a while, but these are some of the most fun posts I do on the site!
He voted for Obama was his defense? Make no mistake, some of the most racist people I have ever known in my 26 years of life voted for Obama.
But he is soooo much older guysssss. Ewwwww.
You always have the best gifs.
I approve of this union. Commence.
Marlise's husband was sent the bill. No insurance company will pay to keep a braindead person alive for that extended period of time. If it was actually the taxpayers being expected to foot the bill, or the people who want these women to stay on ANH and a ventilator indefinitely, their tune would change mighty quickly.
I typed 5 responses, deleted them all and gave up. If you still vote Republican at this point you are effectively casting a vote for the end of the American dream. Yout are owned, don't you know that?
Munoz's family are fucking heroes, fighting the good fight.
What happened to Marlise was absolutely sick. You need more than just a uterus to gestate a healthy pregnancy, and asses like Matt Krause just don't realize that. You're not only taking away someone's bodily autonomy and ignoring their advance directives, you are asking to keep a dead person artificially alive to…
Somehow I don't think HarperCollins would be giving out a statement saying "we've totally got a golden egg here - it doesn't matter that the goose who laid it probably doesn't know what's going on..."
I am going to do everything in my power to make "Swag hood, Joyce." be the new "Cosign/ditto/+1".
It would be preferable to me that we maintain moral authority and actually use the law to punish people.