
wine tinted with the blood of lesser castes

I'm sorry to hear that happened to you - fear of that was a big reason I eventually didn't follow up with it (which is hysterical, since I was able to access the police report and found out that they both didn't fill anything out on the paperwork and marked it as inactive the same day I filed the complaint). Yeah, to

Congrats. You've just pissed off one of the most likable women in Hollywood, and made yourself un-hireable. Hope those *hilarious* fat jokes were worth it.

Honestly, cameras won't do anything. As the anniversary of my rape approaches, I find myself frustrated that rape, harassment, and sexual assault are part of almost every woman's experience. My rapist tackled me on camera, roughed me up for a while, then dragged me around the corner (off-camera) to finish the act.

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but "merry fucking Christmas" is so much better than "happy fucking holidays"...

Uh he does know that Christmas was originally just a co-opted pagan holiday intended to lure people into converting yes?

Tim Hortons doesn't use an apostrophe so that it can comply with Quebec's language laws without completely rebranding for the Quebec market :)

Ugh, I wish more of these mounts were worth anything anymore! Why you gotta be so cruel, code of points???

This post should be subtitled "The comments section will be a clusterfuck, more so than usual."

This was the much more interesting interracial relations info that I saw this weekend. It also speaks to the discrepancies in interpretations of police that you pointed out.

It did seem somewhat disjointed, and her dancing wasn't as clean as her tumbling passes either. It's certainly something she'll have to consider as she moves forward.

I think it's as another commenter said, the 24% is in Oxford county. Hillary confused it with the entire country.

Yeah, I thought she torpedoed her own case right there, if the jury believes that the victim was too drunk to consent, well that's a conviction right there?

Okay, this is slightly off topic, but I just read this article yesterday that said rape conviction rates in the UK were at an all time high of 63%. It suggests that the difficulty is in getting them to investigate and bring charges, but that the conviction rate once that happens is very high. One of these articles

ladies, ladies, gather around, its time for us to isolate ourselves from the world and probably go to a monastery. ...just remember there carrots will be served shredded.

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All the greats!!!! I have spent countless hours watching the late '80s Romanian gymnastics team on youtube. I also have a soft spot for '91 Zmeskal and '96 Moceanu.... Bela Karolyi was just so great at putting together those crowd pleasing floor routines, weird temper tantrum fist pounding and terrible pantomime piano

Fuck you, Judge Mowat.

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I felt that way about the 2009-2012 quad, that it was really focused on power tumbling and the routines were lacking in anything remotely resembling artistry and actual dance, but it seems like since the new code of points this is the first quad where the choreography has gotten somewhat decent. There is an argument

I really like Lena Dunham's look... it's got that casual/formal mix which I (unlike Callie) adore (I'll concede, though, that a v-neck t-shirt or scoop(ish) tank would probably have worked better than a button down that's all buttoned up). I don't think the cap sleeve is the most flattering sleeve length on her, but