
I feel like you can't really wear more than one Gap item at a time without looking like a Sunday school teacher.

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Nothing is funnier than this "commercial".

You pretty much nailed it.

I think everyone should be black. If a commenter is obviously a troll, their account should be sent to the greys or blocked. That's just me, though. So many awesome people are in the greys or back in the greys :[

Are we allowed to recommend amazing commenters to get followed by Jezebel? Like, maybe you could read their posting history and see if they have the chops? (Hint: yes.) Short list:

It wasn't a bluff, it was a joke. I doubt the state department would have allowed it even had he been totally serious. Asking for it or not, nobody would knowingly send those freaks to their certain death.

I just feel like this whole country is trolling me now. Unarmed black men beaten and killed in the streets and hundreds of racists donate money to the white cop perpetrator while also posting insanely racist messages, meanwhile white folks carry around assault rifles while they're shopping at WalMart completely

This would have been a perfect opportunity to get rid of WBC.

Mama Bear Bass. RED FLAG.

It's true. Mock 'em from afar, ignore 'em face-to-face, that's how I do it. It sounds like that's how Hills did it too. He made the right choice not to give them any money, but I would definitely have been watching the Westboro Meets ISIS coverage breathlessly too.

For people like the WBC (who have no actual power and are all about provoking reactions) ignoring them pisses them off the most. I teach Hebrew school and a couple times the WBC showed up, as they are wont to do, to charmingly inform us that God hates kikes. Every single one of us, including kids as young as five,

The saddest part of that story was finding out that Australians are aware of the WBC too. I thought only the US had heard of them and the rest of the world got to live in blissful ignorance of their existence.

And you don't pay more taxes if you don't make more money! I was unemployed for medical reasons in my early 20s and the government paid my MSP and obviously I had no taxes to pay. But I still got my healthcare. Now we are in the highest tax bracket and our family pays loads of taxes (happily). Might not have made it

It's tough where I live because we don't have a lot of doctors or the resources of larger centres. I've been waiting months for a gastro appointment in very painful conditions. But I have a friend in rural Nevada who has the same problems. A paid system wouldn't help those of us living in places where doctors don't

Anyone who complains about our healthcare system I tell to go to the states and pay out of pocket if it's so horrible. That usually shuts em up.

What drawbacks?

Our education system that's been nuked in just such a way as to make people less intelligent voters?

I didn't really think about that. You have a point :(

It literally cannot be liberal Christians who are pro-gay-rights/marriage, pro-choice and Feminists MUST take a stand against church abuse. Godly behavior is about love, not bigotry wrapped in self-righteous prayer and threats of hellfire.

We can't allow bigots to run roughshod over people and bully

My advice to my students (college) - when a member of the family makes a racist comment at a family gathering, loudly say, "I've got to take a shit" and leave the room. Makes it into a politeness as opposed to a political issue. They stop saying racist things and you'll stop announcing you have to take a shit when