
why are the incumbency re-election rates so ridiculously high?

Or both. I read the group's website, and one of their demands is life sentences for perps.

Iran did prosecute someone - eye for an eye sort of way - for an acid attack on woman who refused to marry him:

Because of a combination of low voter turnout for anything that is not a presidential election and a solid case of "the other side is the problem" on both sides. There's a lot of "I hate congress" but not as much "I hate my congressional representative."

It is, all that democracy crap we're force fed is a bunch of lies.

Agreed, she is really inspirational, beautiful inside and out.

Because a lot of people don't vote, especially in non-presidential elections. We're all fooled into thinking that the president somehow has the power to actually do things, but that power is contingent on support of representatives and to a lesser extent senators and support of state legislators. So, when elections

I'm really reassured knowing that our most transphobic elected officials have the vandalism skills of a 4th grade bully on top of being human scum. This is like the time someone wrote on the bathroom wall that I was "fat and also chubby". What the fuck year is this? How the fuck old are these people?

It's bad enough that tax payer dollars give these guys money to take five week vacations, shut down the government and force people into unpaid furloughs and basically do nothing but whine. And now you tell me that my tax dollars are giving them money to troll Wikipedia, but somehow a single mother needing food

thank you, now i want to die. after i vomit everything i ate today.

No offence, but you should be able to keep meat in the house and he should just deal with it. He doesn't have to eat it, but he shouldn't stop you from doing it.

Naughty bacon is better than normal bacon.

This pretty much sums up the problem with (some) cops. This guy is pants-shittingly terrified of just the presence of unarmed citizens. He's waiving his gun around like he was in the middle of the jungle and the rest of his platoon had just been killed by the VC and he was just waiting to be taken or to have his

But I love the smell of bacon. I'm a woman, now I am so confused? Have I been lead astray? What does this say about my identity Tracy? WHY CAN'T I LIKE BOTH LEMONS AND BACON WITH A PREFERENCE FOR THE SMELL OF BACON? Does this mean I'm MANLY? Heavens whatever shall I do when I see a smiling baby my first thought

Does anybody think it's odd that the Mayor of Ferguson's name seems to have never come up in any of this? Turns out he's apparently a 31-yo Republican and ex-Ferguson PD officer:

The cop was later asked to write an essay on exemplary policing for the Washington Post.

Ah damn. But yes, we do whole milk, peanut butter, butter/olive oil added to whatever I can, and I am still trying to find ways to get avocados into them. They loved them as babies, but as 2 year olds not so much.

No. This is just a bunch of people acknowledging that what people with cooler heads knew would turn into a shitshow has turned into a shitshow.

Thought Catalog is nothing but a failed humanity experiment, like eugenics or Pauly Shore.

On one hand, this is a-mazing. On the other hand, students have been wildly inaccurate describing me on RateMyProfessor and it's the ones with the bad experiences that really want to share.